Transmission Oil change

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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FJR 2006

I have not been able to find a write up on how to change the transmission fluid.

Please point me to it.


Unlike the older Yamaha shaft drive motorcycles where the transmission was separate from the crankcase (think XS1100) the FJR transmission shares oil from the engine sump.
Thanks for the clear answer.

Oh, man, you're not giving up already?? I was just getting ready to go pop some corn...

Hi:FJR 2006

I have not been able to find a write up on how to change the transmission fluid.

Please point me to it.
Unlike the older Yamaha shaft drive motorcycles where the transmission was separate from the crankcase (think XS1100) the FJR transmission shares oil from the engine sump.
Thanks for the clear answer.

Yes, a 'clear answer' -- too bad it's not quite correct... :(

The XS1100's gearbox was lubricated by engine oil -- just like the FJRs. However, there was a small, separate, reservoir with gear oil for the (90*) middle-gear drive -- unlike the FJR (which uses the common motor oil for that, too).

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Thank God for post #23- I know senility creeps up on one-but I sure don't remember my XS1100 having a seperate tranny- like a [gasp] Hardly.

Yep, make's ya afraid to ask an honest question. Seems like it would be easier to be helpful then being a dick.

Yep, make's ya afraid to ask an honest question. Seems like it would be easier to be helpful then being a dick.
Some people are builders, some are wreckers. It takes no skill or knowledge to wreck, building is work. Not all questions are well asked and it seems to bring out the wreckers regardless if the question was honestly seeking help/information/education/enlightenment or the asker was too lazy to help themselves (and sometimes, just plain dumb).

Yep, make's ya afraid to ask an honest question. Seems like it would be easier to be helpful then being a dick.
Despite the turn this thread took, I don't think you're being fair to the overall "tone" of the thread, as the OP's question was answered VERY quickly and Post #3 when johnny80s wrote:

There is no transmission oil. The engine oil is circulated through the engine and transmission.
Pretty much the way it works around here, once a thread question is answered, you can pretty much be guaranteed the thread goes downhill from there, since the original topic is pretty much "closed" by the answer. Yet somehow, like some brain-sucking zombie, many of these threads continue to live a soul-less, shambling, drooling existence, nourished by the compost some of us, myself included, continue to heap on the poor dead thing.

And, again speaking only for myself, it actually is easier being a dick than being helpful. :p

Being helpful requires a knowledge of the subject. Being a dick is a genetic pre-disposition.

I am out of blinker fluid, what wt should I replace it with?

Sorry I'm late guys (Oooo, n gals)....

I think the #2 post was a very good answer along with many others. Then post #6 vented, I guess for the OP? Not sure why this is all coming up again.

Back on topic. I would suggest taking the bike to a dealer for any mainetance / fluid changes etc.

Good luck and enjoy the forum.

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Hi:FJR 2006

I have not been able to find a write up on how to change the transmission fluid.

Please point me to it.
Unlike the older Yamaha shaft drive motorcycles where the transmission was separate from the crankcase (think XS1100) the FJR transmission shares oil from the engine sump.
Thanks for the clear answer.

Yes, a 'clear answer' -- too bad it's not quite correct... :(

The XS1100's gearbox was lubricated by engine oil -- just like the FJRs. However, there was a small, separate, reservoir with gear oil for the (90*) middle-gear drive -- unlike the FJR (which uses the common motor oil for that, too).
Yep, I stand corrected. In my haste I didn't think through what I was typing and make the distinction.

OTH, I've lived a loooong time so I can enjoy being forgetful, senile and grumpy.....and get away with it . ;)

[SIZE=8pt]Welll...get away with it most of the time....along with being a "dirty old man"! Your turn will come.....[/SIZE]
