Travel Observations

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Seems like a lot of venom or jabbing in this thread for a guy just reporting some observations/comparisons to a previous bike.

If it's not the bike for him, he'll move on..I guess.

(It's not Friday and I missed the boat is it? :eek: )

Seems like a lot of venom or jabbing in this thread for a guy just reporting some observations/comparisons to a previous bike.

If it's not the bike for him, he'll move on..I guess.

(It's not Friday and I missed the boat is it? :eek: )
Yeah, no shit. Rough crowd around here.

As for slab, I would STILL much rather ride an FJR if all I rode was slab. I don't think I could ever bring myself to buy a Wing.

Took the FJR for it's first extended trip last weekend. The weather was hot, but I just caught a couple of showers. I was hoping the FJR would be my new long distance ride, but the jury's still out on that.

The Good: The power and nimble handling of the FJR makes busy interstate type traffic almost tolerable. If you can see an opening you can be in that opening. My bike has MC Cruise installed, I've used it a bit, but this weekend it was priceless. This is my first bike with cruise and I like it better than I ever thought I would. The bar risers and Yamaha touring windshield were well worth the price paid for them. The rework of the seat by Rick Mayer worked out well. I wish I was 50 pounds lighter and 20 years younger so I could enjoy the ergonomics a little more, but the overall package is now tolerable. Coming home Sunday I rode 855 miles straight through.

The Bad: Like I said it was hot. The on board thermometer read 99-101 most of the day. By mid afternoon I was suffering more than I ever have because of heat on a bike. Not all the bikes fault, but it was a factor. Turn signals, WTF, self cancelling signals have been around on bikes for 20 years, come on Yamaha, get with it. Side opening saddle bags? Who thought that was a good idea? I'm sure an engineer somewhere thought they were great, but if you'd ever used top loading hard bags you would throw rocks at the FJR bags. The bag liners are nice, but unless you never open the bags till you reach your destination it's still a compromise.

I consistently get 48 mpg in all around riding

The Funny: People can't figure out the FJR, they just can't get the brand right unless it's in bold letters on the tank. I've pretty much de-badged my bike so it's designation isn't obvious to the untrained eye. The sport bike guys I saw always gave me a positive reaction. Japanese cruiser guys avoided me like the plague. I got mixed reactions from the HD crowd, many were interested, thinking like me the FJR would be a great second bike. Others didn't acknowledge my existence. At one gas stop a cager hopped out of his car and asked if I had seen the new 1600? He said I would be ready to trade soon as I saw one. I reckon he thought I was riding a bimmer. Real BMW riders glared from a distance.

All in all, a fun and interesting trip. The FJR performed flawlessly (I didn't expect anything less) and I covered a lot of miles in a hurry. Oh yeah, fuel mileage was mediocre. 43 mpg going and 39 coming back by the same route. The only difference was a little bit cooler temps coming home. I'm at a loss as to the drop in mileage. Average speeds for the trip were 75-80 mph.
Yo Jim! Did you have something to add in there? :blink:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. Too each his own. As long as people on both sides don't take things personally everyone should feel free to say whatever it is they want to say.

Remember too the things we type can be taken as hostile words when in fact the poster don't mean them as such. The down side to forums is not seeing the persons facial expressions or hearing the tone of their voice all you have to go on is the words.

With regards to the OP point on side opening bags I would prefer top opening bags myself as well. Those just seem to make more sense and gear won't have the ability to spill out when you open them. I don't have a rear trunk yet but "if" the FJR saddlebags did open on the top wouldn't they hit the trunk then?

No bike is perfect! We can all knit pick even the best bike and wish a few things we're different. Seems like he's mostly happy with the FJR. But yes what you notice on any bike on a 100 mile ride and what you notice on a 1800 mile ride can be totally different. Plus we are all so different and have different body types, weight and we all have our own idea as to what is comfortable. There really is no right or wrong. It's all a matter of personal preference IMO.

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I am disappointed in the turn signals too. I remember them most of the time, but??? Had a guy on a Harley catch up to me at a light. Silly me, I thought he was going to comment on how nice the BMW looked. No, just wanted to let me know my signal had been on for five miles. He had a nice Harley. It was one of the quiet ones. He liked the FJR. Nice fellow. I guess non-cancelling turn signals are not all that bad.

Seems like a lot of venom or jabbing in this thread for a guy just reporting some observations/comparisons to a previous bike.

If it's not the bike for him, he'll move on..I guess.

(It's not Friday and I missed the boat is it? :eek: )
I enjoyed Frito1's post. Remeinded me of my first long ride on the FJR. Lots of things I liked but had some comfort issues. Well they are all resolved now with a modded seat, Cali sci Windshield and my learning how to sit and ride it properly. I agree with other's responses that if you want to ride the slab, there are better bikes for that. But for me it's my bike for two lane country and mountain road aggressive riding. After one year I've grown to love my 09. I have 3 bikes and the FJR is no hotter than my other two here in Florida. In the summer the stock Yammi windshield is installed to give good airflow. Where I differ is I hate top loading bags, espcially in a rainstorm trying to get gear and the bag is filled with water in the process. To prevent spillage I always put the things I might need during the ride in the right(high) sidebag. I only open the left(low) sidebag at destination...And I love the liners. Turn signals?...a minor personal issue for sure. Give the guy a break he wrote a good report.


One thing I've noticed in the month or so I've had the FJR is that I'm much less likely to get a return wave from a H-D rider. I guess even though my previous bike was a Suzuki it was a cruiser with fairly classic styling it would "pass" as a Harley until you got close, that's not the case at all with the FJR of course.
+1 on this observation!

Didn’t mean for this to sound like a whine & cheese or a rant, just what it is, observations from *my* perspective after a long weekend trip. I've been riding for 40 odd years. I’m not a high mileage rider. I usually ride ~7500 miles a year, most of it local. My longer distance rides generally consist of a 600 mile weekend (last year on a hardtail chopper) and a ~2K weekend. I’ve owned this bike for ~ a year and it has become the hands down winner of the “which key” contest. The FJR has turned into the primary two wheeled vehicle of the fleet.

Maybe I’m a little obsessive compulsive, but things that don’t rate a second thought on short hops begin to dig in after 10-12 hours in the saddle. The turn signals are in that category because in my normal riding I seldom use them on this bike, my other bike, or any other vehicle. That’s just a perk of where I live and ride. I only signal when there’s someone to see it (I know, bad habit) and on this trip (to the Ohio Northeast Coast) there were plenty of folks that I wanted to see my signals. And being this is the first bike I’ve owned in the last ten years without some form of self cancel they got left on a bit more than I would like. Operator error? Sure. Engineering issues? A matter of opinion.

The bags have been a pain from the word go. That said, I knew that I wouldn’t like them before I bought the FJR, but I still bought it. I like the bike, but still don’t like the bags. Some people say I just like to bitch and accuse me of creating problems to bitch about. That argument may have some merit. I’ve had other bikes with side openers, didn’t care for those either. I use my bags a lot, they are both opened a minimum of twice a day for every day ridden to work and countless times on other longer rides. I realize there are work arounds. If I could find a small, sexy top box this would be a moot point. I have considered building a small box to my specs. As I’ve grown older, saddle bags/top boxes have become my MC man purse. I gotta have ‘em and they’re always full of little stuff ya can’t live without. Just a random thought along a similar line, I’ve never owned a retired cop bike, but bags you could open and access from the riders seat would really be cats ass.

Heat is well, hot. What ya gonna do? Yeah, call me a puss. Yeah, big engines make big heat. This is not my first large displacement bike. I’ve ridden/owned air cooled, air/oil cooled, and water cooled. It’s an issue with them all; it’s not an FJR exclusive. It doesn’t make much difference what you ride if you ride all day and it’s ~100 degrees F, you’re gonna get hot at some point. I think that due to the good frontal protection provided by the FJR there is a trade off of sorts, plus the adjustment of the windshield is a factor. Like 64Y80 said, the lower leg heat soak is noticeable on longer rides; I hadn’t experienced this up till now. Up till around noon I didn’t notice it, but later in the day it did become a comfort factor.

Something I didn’t mention that did please me was the level of rain protection. I went through a 10 mile or so shower at 70 mph and the only thing that got noticeably wet was the toe of my boots. That was a first.

I had a good trip on a good bike. I covered a lot of miles in a short time and was able to walk away in one piece. I’ve never ridden the perfect bike so I don’t think I’ll scrap out the FJR just yet.

Oh yeah, that crack about the Gold Wing was just plain mean. If it comes to that, I’d much rather have a Miata. ;)

Ohh Sure, Bring my Miata into the picture.

Yes I have a Miata and a FJR. I'm so confused :)



Frito.......good balanced report, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Who among us hasn't looked down in fright at that green light blinking five miles down the road past the turn, wondering why the cages are giving you a wide berth. After a couple years with the FJR I just haven't found anything better out there if you're looking for a civilized cruise missile.........

What I hate is when I forget to cancel the signal (rare!) and one of my smart-ass nephews is riding behind me. Then I get all that "geezer" crap.

Lot's of 'attitude' about the blessings of the FJR....

After my first LD ride on the FJR (4000 miles in a long week) I love it more than ever! :D

The power is added safety when slabbing and they merge into you (or just have an open road).

The comfort allowed my 925 mile day to be reasonable (I arrived happy and fresh)

Self cancelling turn signals DON'T work. How many cars/trucks leave them on? Highway passes won't trigger them, so you still have to use the almighty thumb. :p

YMMV But I think is the perfect blend of sport/tour for those who LIKE to do them BOTH! :yahoo:

That was a good write up, very entertaining to read. There is something to be said about someone that can ride that long in those temperatures. Nice job. :clapping:
