Twist The Throttle

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2008
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Thousand Oaks, CA
This isn't so much an FJR specific discussion as it is a total lack of mention for the FJR1300 on the show Twist the Throttle. For those who aren't familiar with this show its a history of the different motorcycle manufacturers and the bikes that defined them.

This episode was about Yamaha, although there was a lot of information about the earlier Yamaha bikes and how the human form (Kondo) played such a significant role in design, it was mostly about Yamaha's racing program, Laguna Seca, and the R1 and R6. There was no mention of the FJR which to my way of thinking would have been a great way to wind up the show.

I had no idea that the Yamaha logo was three tunning forks. Oh well, I guess I learned something.

Very disappointing... :(

I agree. There have been a number of different episodes from this program. All are good but far from complete. It seems like they focus mostly on the sportbike/performace side of motorcycling. Not a very good mix of what each manufacturer offers.....


It's been running repeating for about 4 months on the HDTV.

It is only a history lesson and introduction into MC beginnings.

Quite interesting, I've watched the Yamaha segment a few times now, hoping for some new material or info, but just the same stuff.

Didn't know suzuki made looms and sewing machines, knew Yamaha made pianos, didn't know BMW made airplanes....seemingly everyone started making MC after WWII.

But, you are correct, they only focus on the sexy, speedy and high volume sales items.

I too was hoping to see that FJR rolling down the assembly line.

They didn't do the FJR in Yamaha and Suzuki showed a picture of a rider on their test track on a BUSA but there was no mention.

I've been dissapointed in them as well. As ya'll said, they start out with a little history on the companies beginnings, then they jump to racing and crotch rockets. And the host of the show (magazine guy - can't remember his name) is basically a "your name here" guy. Says the same thing about all the companies.

It seems like they focus mostly on the sportbike/performace side of motorcycling.
And history too. Recently caught the episode on BMW's. Very interesting to say the least.

Honestly, as we all love our bikes, you cannot expect everything be brought to light on a particular show.

Perhaps some day the sport touring catagory will be exposed, sure hope all the rest of the MC community doesn't get up in arms.

It seems like they focus mostly on the sportbike/performace side of motorcycling.
And history too. Recently caught the episode on BMW's. Very interesting to say the least.

Honestly, as we all love our bikes, you cannot expect everything be brought to light on a particular show.

Perhaps some day the sport touring catagory will be exposed, sure hope all the rest of the MC community doesn't get up in arms.
I'm not up in arms, just a little disappointed. They kept repeating the same "kondo" mantra and the riders they interviewed all said pretty much the same thing. I thought they had several opportunities to segue into the sport-touring market as an extension of "Kondo" and the sport bike market.

I really like this show but it lacks a bit in research and writing. This is probably a result of budget constraints. Unfortunately most productions scrimp on pre-production expenses in favor of sexy graphics etc..

All-in-all I'm glad to see someone is doing a show about motorcycles. :clapping:

I had no idea that the Yamaha logo was three tunning forks. Oh well, I guess I learned something.

And did you know the design of Yamahas signature racing stripe:


Was a design concept of a piano's keyboard?

(as Yamaha sells alot of those too...)


Wow ! Thanks KM for that tidbit ! I cant play piano but I gave my G100 ( dinosaur amp since passed on to my son and still kickin it ) a good run as well as amps and guitars in foggy past years ! I had an RD400 painted up like King Kennys too...wish I still had it !!!

Blessings Bruddas,


I saw the Yamaha episode and felt like it turned into an infomercial for the new R1.

I saw the Yamaha episode and felt like it turned into an infomercial for the new R1.
it's about their sport bikes as with all the shows and what has impacted the company. Most people don't care about the FJR when driving down the street.

I've had cars pull along side my FJR then quite suddenly back off as if they didn't want to tangle with it. They never did that when I was on my Burgman.

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I've had cars pull along side my FJR then quite suddenly back off as if they didn't want to tangle with it. They never did that when I was on my Burgman.

That's cause you got a black one...everyone knows black bikes are for killer ninjas.

No one wants to **** with a killer ninja. (you got matching gear don't you?)

I always thought it was because of the rumor that all FJR riders carry guns..............................

I always thought it was because nobody wants to see their gas gauge move in less than three blocks.

My Senior year of High School and first year of College I commuted on a 1977 RD400. It was red and black. Hot summer nights drag racing my RD400 that was the 70's. That brings back memories. Had twin expansion chambers and did bitchen wheelies.

This show is well produced, but as with so many commercial programs, I can't believe how many scenes they repeat over and over and over. Annoying. I learned a few interesting things in these episodes, though, and enjoyed some of the riding shots.

Kind of surprised there aren't more motorcycle shows on TV, frankly.

Yah I saw the Twist the Throttle on Yamaha. I was also waiting to see the FJR on the program. Sport bike market share is much larger than Sport Touring Market Share. Time is money especially in this shity economy. If I was Yamaha I would have done the same thing. But were are the dirt bike?? The new R1 I feel by far is the best sport on the market.
