Ugliest Farkle

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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A guy made a bike to look like a big alligator...I believe from Looziana, but I can't find it anymore <sigh>
Are you thinking of this one?

close, but the pic of the one I saw wasn't a chopper. <sigh>

thanx for that one, though

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I vote for any Russell Day Long saddle. Fugly and Functional. Ryan's tank goes beyond the definition of farkle.
I was just waitin' fer that...



I got it cheap and it feels GREAT!

I just don't use it if I'm riding anywhere someone I know might see me... :rolleyes:

My OCD is strained to the maximum looking at this picture. I just dont know how people let their bikes get so dirty. I would have to wash it for him. I would probably steal it and bring it back clean...I am going to lose sleep...
Ohhhhh....I dunno!

Iron Butt event, 1,000 miles per day for X amount of days, riding night and day in rain, dust storms, on dirt roads for bonus points, etc.

One might want to cut the rider some slack on the "clean bike" issue. Some FJR riders don't attend "shine and show" events, but rather use their bikes a tool for different pleasures.
Of course your right, but you can ask the guys i ride with I'd be out there in the morning everyday wiping that baby off. Its a disease I know...

Not too ugly, but I like this farkle.
Seen this one in person at SFO on Glory Racing's bike... He was the ONLY one with dry hands with all the rain we had! I am seriously considering these along with V-Strom hand guards.
I have both the V-Strom and the cover's, they ain't perdy but warm and dry are good!

I was looking at these:


I'm still trying to see if there is somewhere in the US that I can buy them. Google search hasn't found anything.

I bought the black ones from my local dealer, but this is what they are.;catalogId=1500

For only $20, I was going to try these and if I liked them, get some higher priced ones of better quality (hippo hands, what meosborn posted, etc). However, I liked them so well for the intended purpose, I saw no need to spend more $. I sealed the outside seams and coated with spray on Camp Dry...good to go!

My OCD is strained to the maximum looking at this picture. I just dont know how people let their bikes get so dirty. I would have to wash it for him. I would probably steal it and bring it back clean...I am going to lose sleep...
Ohhhhh....I dunno!

Iron Butt event, 1,000 miles per day for X amount of days, riding night and day in rain, dust storms, on dirt roads for bonus points, etc.

One might want to cut the rider some slack on the "clean bike" issue. Some FJR riders don't attend "shine and show" events, but rather use their bikes a tool for different pleasures.
Of course your right, but you can ask the guys i ride with I'd be out there in the morning everyday wiping that baby off. Its a disease I know...
disease? infected? inflicted w/ addiction comes to mind

I've heard fellow riders, who are not shiners, have to put a locked cover on their FJR overnight to keep said inflicted one's shammy clad hands away...spends more on polish products than tires... :rolleyes:

drug of choice:


I vote for any Russell Day Long saddle. Fugly and Functional. Ryan's tank goes beyond the definition of farkle.
I was just waitin' fer that...



I got it cheap and it feels GREAT!

I just don't use it if I'm riding anywhere someone I know might see me... :rolleyes:
I've got plenty of black shoe polish ya can have...

if ya don't want it, well, ya don't know sh*t from shinola :rolleyes: :yahoo:

<wonder how the shinola employees feel about that: G Carlin>

Of course your right, but you can ask the guys i ride with I'd be out there in the morning everyday wiping that baby off. Its a disease I know...
You win...I'm going to make sure and park next to your bike!

Actually, I'm the one who polished TurboDave's bike at WFO in Reno and 1/2 of ffmedic's bike at WFO in Skagit (1/2 bike: left muffler, right pannier, upper left fairing, lower right fairing, rt side of rear wheel, l side of front wheel, rt side of windshield, etc., etc.).....

....and I DO carry Plexus, Honda Polish & at least 2 micro-fiber cloths when I travel.

When I know Warchild is going to be around I carry lace doilies to place on my bike.....being a "ghey" bike and all! ;)

MadMike turned me onto micro-fiber cloths when he caught me cleaning my windshield with a gas station window wiper once. Thank you Mike!
