ugly oil filter

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Fortuna, CA
I was looking at that oil filter sticking out the side of my bike the other day and thought, there's got to be a way to cover that thing. So i shopped around and found a cover made by Arlen Ness for a Yamaha XV1600 Roadstar that has almost the same size filter. The FJR's filter is about a 1/4 inch longer, but you can't really tell once you have the cover on.





So what do you think?

Damnit!!! Why does Gay keep comin to mind? :blink:

Different strokes fer different folks.

I think odot will love it though !!!!!!!!!!


I think you should cut the top off a Budweiser can and slip it on.

We got's no deposit here. Them beer cans is just in the way. Scrap price only. We usually just pitch em out on the side of the road so the retirees can pick em up and make a little pocket-change and have something worthwhile to do in their twilight years.

Is that cover chromed?

Chrome holds in heat, worst thing ever for engine parts.

The oil filter being exposed helps to shed heat.

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We got's no deposit here. Them beer cans is just in the way. Scrap price only. We usually just pitch em out on the side of the road so the retirees can pick em up and make a little pocket-change and have something worthwhile to do in their twilight years.
So yer tellin' me. Ya Buy the Beer, (just an ass umption here) drain it, toss the cans.... Then go out the next day an pick 'em up??

Fookin Alzheimers! Whoda thought it could be so entertainin'

Can't wait to pee in yer bags. Outa be a hoot seein ya 'splianin that one :yahoo:


Admit it, now that you know we pitch them cans out, you want to retire here, don't ya?

Admit it, now that you know we pitch them cans out, you want to retire here, don't ya?
Wholly Hijack Batman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell no I'd need to collect seven hundred eighty one thousand two hundred and ten cans just to get back the deposit on the ninety six beers I drink on the weekend.

I will piss in yer gas tank possibly have relations with your tail pipe.


Ok, sounds like i should scrap this idea. I'm taking it off and sending it back. You guys are tough critics.

That's ok, your supposed to ride them, not look at them anyways.

Now, back to drinking beer!!!

Just get a black yamaha filter and be done with it.

Also be thankful

A, it is not Friday

B, Two wheel nut is still in Alaska.


I think you should cut the top off a Budweiser can and slip it on.
WTF??? an waste ten cent deposit??
Proper use of Bud cans

1) Purchase at Wal-Mart

2) Consume beverage

3) Decorate trailer or automobile with remaining contents

Where else can you get colorful decor for ten cents?
DRINK Bud? Why? Because the fuckin' store was out of BEER?

Bud = piss (and that's being generous!)

My ghod....I'm gonna have to start more seriously questioning some of the opinions offered up here...... :rolleyes:

Guinness, Newcastle, Boddingtons, Sapporo, Pilsner Urquell.....Bud?!??!?? Even Amstel is better than Bud and that's a diet beer. Sheesh.....


Nevermind this whole "threesome with the tailpipes" thing..... :glare:

I like Stefs plan.


The Gaychild Signature Special Edition LTG Brougham

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