ugly oil filter

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I think you should cut the top off a Budweiser can and slip it on.
I like it! :thumbsup:


I was looking at that oil filter sticking out the side of my bike the other day and thought, there's got to be a way to cover that thing. So i shopped around and found a cover made by Arlen Ness for a Yamaha XV1600 Roadstar that has almost the same size filter. The FJR's filter is about a 1/4 inch longer, but you can't really tell once you have the cover on.




So what do you think?
I don't know what looks worse, the white filter or the chrome paint can.

DRINK Bud? Why? Because the fuckin' store was out of BEER?

Bud = piss (and that's being generous!)

My ghod....I'm gonna have to start more seriously questioning some of the opinions offered up here...... :rolleyes:

Guinness, Newcastle, Boddingtons, Sapporo, Pilsner Urquell.....Bud?!??!?? Even Amstel is better than Bud and that's a diet beer. Sheesh.....


American beer = making love in a canoe.

fargin close to water.

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DRINK Bud? Why? Because the fuckin' store was out of BEER?
Bud = piss (and that's being generous!)

My ghod....I'm gonna have to start more seriously questioning some of the opinions offered up here...... :rolleyes:

Guinness, Newcastle, Boddingtons, Sapporo, Pilsner Urquell.....Bud?!??!?? Even Amstel is better than Bud and that's a diet beer. Sheesh.....


Nevermind this whole "threesome with the tailpipes" thing..... :glare:
I was simply pointing out the process. Didn't say I actually drank it.

In actuality, I am not a fan of drinking bud. And to put this idea to the best possible end result, extensive testing must occur. I mean, not all cans are the same exact size, nor would all labeling color schemes be flattering to each particular bike.

I think I will take this problem to the fine folks at EOM and see if I can enlist a bit of help in seeking the most attractive solution.

And I swear, we'll not stop till this job is done!

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Sometimes, you just gotta take one for the team. It's tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
