UK proposing devices to cut throttles of speeding cycles

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Jul 21, 2005
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Apple Valley, CA
From an article in the Coventry (UK) Telegraph:

Tracking bikers' speed smacks of 'big brother'

Jan 11 2007

By Marc Meneaud

MOTORBIKE enthusiasts Tania and Dave Winterburn have hit out at "big brother" proposals to monitor bikers and force them to cut their speed.

The couple, who own a Leamington motorbike accessory shop and have been keen riders for 30 years, say government plans for new compulsory devices that can track individual bikers are "farcical".

Ministers are exploring the introduction of the devices - expected to cost hundreds of pounds - which automatically cut the throttle on motor-bikes to bring them within the speed limit.

Known as Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA), the devices will also be able to track bikers' journeys and store data about each motorbike's speed.

If further trials are successful, the devices could be brought in for cars and other vehicles in an attempt to drastically cut the death toll on the country's roads.

However Tania, co-owner of Motorcycle World in Union Street, Leamington, said: "We have been bikers for more years than we care to mention and we have found that bikers are all lawabiding citizens who agree with riding sensibly. "Everyone knows that there are young kids getting on bikes and speeding and going too fast but bringing this in is going too far.

"It is worrying that someone will be able to track you and control your speed. It is big brother."

Tania, of Fosse Way, Radford Semele, said shops selling motorcycle equipment would also suffer if the compulsory devices - similar to satellite navigation systems - were introduced.

She said: "Will the riders be forced to pay for this? If the government is bringing in the devices the manufacturers should pay for them."

The devices have already been tested at the Motorcycle Industry Research Association (MIRA) in Watling Street, Nuneaton, amid proposals to introduce them on new bikes and cars.

Tom Warterer, technical director of the Motorcycle Industry Association, based in Eaton Road, Coventry, has been involved in research into the ISA devices in motorbikes and cars.

He said experiments had been carried out using a buzzer in a helmet or a vibrating seat which is triggered when a signal from a roadside beacon detects the rider is breaking the speed limit.

More controversial proposals include fitting devices that control the motorbike's speed.

Heh... a rare political post that is actually on topic! Good find, tcfjr!

Between completely stupid initiative like this, and those insipid Gatso cameras they have over there, I just got to shake my head at the British government sometimes.

For a country that is 10 times more motorcycle-crazy than the USA, their government sure seems to go ape-**** over trying to put their thumb down over bikes in general. Can't understand that. OTOH, I really don't know what kind of death-toll or other problems they are trying to "fix" with these draconian measures; perhaps it's a lot worse than I realize.

Still, these measure would never fly over here. Now, Gatso cameras used to catch red-light runners at historically deadly intersections, hey, I'm all for that. But the Brit government does **** like actually hiding these cameras on lonely country roads with very little traffic. Doesn't seem much about safety as much as it is about automatic revenue-generation....

The new rules are a bunch of bollocks.

The gatsos are a pain in the ass. last time I was over there they had em in Vans and other hiding places. The permanent ones are a known and avoidable.

However the yanks have got the brits beat as every tom dick and harry cop from many different jurisdictions that are vehiculised has some sort of surprise for us!

Regarding Euro ownership of MCs they may be on to something restricting ownership of large displacement bikes until the very young rider has shown proficiency.

personally i am still of the opinion that without thorough and proper training a 17 year old on a 170 HP bike for the first time is tantamount to disaster.

Hell I can still get into a lot more trouble on the FJR as opposed to hauling the freight on my MZ Skorpion! Things happen a lot faster on the FJR! Oh yes they do!

The new rules are a bunch of bollocks.The gatsos are a pain in the ass. last time I was over there they had em in Vans and other hiding places. The permanent ones are a known and avoidable.

However the yanks have got the brits beat as every tom dick and harry cop from many different jurisdictions that are vehiculised has some sort of surprise for us!

Regarding Euro ownership of MCs they may be on to something restricting ownership of large displacement bikes until the very young rider has shown proficiency.

personally i am still of the opinion that without thorough and proper training a 17 year old on a 170 HP bike for the first time is tantamount to disaster.

Hell I can still get into a lot more trouble on the FJR as opposed to hauling the freight on my MZ Skorpion! Things happen a lot faster on the FJR! Oh yes they do!

I think we used to be neighbors, judging by your avatar. I sent you a PM.
