Oh my god so much fail, you don't even know how wide your rims are. The K1600 has a 6.0 rim. Have fun guys.
Okay, this makes less of a difference than 1lb of air pressure. The tire formation changes so very little w this. So let's start up an argument that 41lbs is terrible compared to 40lbs.
For one...
I don't "darkside" (put a car tire on the rear). Not that I do or don't believe in it....
I just don't go there, and, I don't go over and shit on "their" thread either!.
I believe everyone has the right to follow their own beliefs and express them, but enough already. The bottom line is simple... the peeps who have tried this "fat-siding" really like the outcome. I've had guys come up to me personally at Rally's and shake my hand and say "hey thanks man, I tried a fat-sider mainly because of your thread, and I really, really like the characteristics of it compared to my stock 180/55 tire.
The ONLY semi-negative coming from peeps using this on the FJR was... "My chicken strips are wider now, but it handles better, dives into turns easier and quicker, so who cares!"
you have not tried it, and, you are going only by BS and grasping at paper straws (at that!), I would suggest you gracefully bow down... and if your so macho?... yes, you can even say "you won" if it makes you feel better.
To all the other fat-siders out there?... carry on!