US / Canada Exchange Rate

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
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Southeast Idaho
Over the years going up there it's been close to 1:1. Last year (2015), I ended up in CA 3X and got more and more for my money, culminating with my last trip getting $1.32 CAN to $1 US (and decent motels for $40us tax included).

Today I see it's $1.45 CAN to $1 US. Holy Crap! Seems like it's dropped almost 50% against the US dollar in maybe 5 years or something (?).

Gotta feel the pain for the Canadians on this. We actually get quite a lot of tourism around here and shopping from Albertans heading down, but I'm guessing that's over. I love riding up there and like seeing that exchange rate, but wow this is not looking good.

For our riding friends up north, what do you think will be happening come summer?

Just bought some farkles from the US, its killing me. But today, that 69 cent dollar just plain sucks...... it's likely to get a bit better, but not for a while according to the experts. We're in for a longer ride......

Howza fella 'sposed to get his new bike farkled with all this going on.

I'm with ya, Spud. First toured Alberta and B.C. on a bike in 1983, loved it and have been doing it since. But we scaled it back some over the last few years when the $$ were at par. I'm going to be sending out an e-mail to some riding pals to set dates for a 2016 tour. Ainsworth Hot Springs for a night? This has to be hard on our Canadian friends (and our just-below-the-border merchants who have benefited much from Canadian spending). One of the best reasons to tour Canada is the quality of the people. Yes, we make fun of them because they're so darned nice but that's just a backhanded compliment. Some were prescient when we had The Great Recession and they bought real estate south of the border at half price with their strong Canadian $.

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I'm glad that I got some rides in the States last year, sticking to North Country this summer.

I priced a rear shock for one of my bikes, pretty much doubled by the time it arrived with shipping.

Canadian FJR

Well, works for me. CFR should be a bargain
this year. I'm also thinking that I may go back and spend a couple of nights at the Auberge La Porte Rouge in Mont Tremblant with one of their package deals. Between the exchange rate and the possibility of not having to ride through downtown Montreal sounds pretty good.

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Glad I bought everything I needed for the bike when the dollar was at or close to par. Visited girlfriend in Seattle this Christmas. $400 U.S. was close to $700 Canadian. Ouch.

Looking good for my May/Jun trips to BC/Alberta Rockies this year. Could never understand why more folks from the great PNW do not take advantage of the great riding to the North. Only thing gone downhill the last decade or more is the RCMPs thirst for revenue, 20 or 30 years ago it used to be in the middle of nowhere it was no harm no foul. Good to have more $$, I like to carry cash up there, it makes life so much simpler. Probably take a day ride or two just to obtain funds.

I love riding in southern BC and southern Alberta so much that given the current exchange rate I may buy both places.

So how much money did I lose because I didn't exchange my Canadian cash from last year damn it ...

On a good note, now my credit cards have a chip in them and that will make gassing up a lot easier.

Last few times I've gone I have my bank get me some canadian funny money in advance. Minimal charge and they give a good exchange rate. Then use credit/debit for the rest. I used to just take US $ and get canadian change (they always give you 1:1), not gonna do that now!

Looking good for my May/Jun trips to BC/Alberta Rockies this year. Could never understand why more folks from the great PNW do not take advantage of the great riding to the North. Only thing gone downhill the last decade or more is the RCMPs thirst for revenue, 20 or 30 years ago it used to be in the middle of nowhere it was no harm no foul. Good to have more $$, I like to carry cash up there, it makes life so much simpler. Probably take a day ride or two just to obtain funds.
Gotta keep an eye out for the Queen's Cowboys for sure. They tend to be much less tolerant on holiday weekends. Also one has to be extra-careful the closer one gets to urban centers.

Choose the right time/road, and there's lots of twisty fun to be had around here!

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I guess if you gave me like 3 Canadians, I'd give you one American, but it would have to be one of those Americans that doesn't do much. Oh, that's not what we were talking about???

Had plans to ride the West coast this summer or the next one. Forget it for 2016, I'm going to Alberta and BC.

Wanted to buy a Sargent... Forget that. I will most likely end up with an OEM Comfort seat. Still thinking about The T-Rex guards though. Yeah they're gonna cost more than I expected but it's cheap insurance compared to the cost of plastics...



Could never understand why more folks from the great PNW do not take advantage of the great riding to the North.
James, I didn't see you at Barb's get together on the island. We were easy to miss, there were only 70 of us and some of those southern folks also.

"PNW do not take advantage of the great riding in the North"... you say the funnest things sometimes.

I guess western Montana is sorta in the PNW. We get to Canada at least twice a year. One year we crossed the Canadian US border over 30 times. By the way, I often see posts about the difficulties of going thru Canadian customs. My experience says your real problems will be in dealing with the US agents. They are much more likely to be difficult to deal with.
