Using a lift

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Active member
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, TX
I might have missed a thread, but I searched and couldn't find this information. I have a standard hydraulic motorcycle lift that worked great on my flat bottomed engine BMW, but now I have an 03 FJR with exhaust across the bottom of the engine. I'm thinking of building a wood cradle to conform to the individual pipes so I can use the lift.

Any other thoughts from those using lifts?


Austin, TX

Check the com website linked in this section. Lifts and options covered there.

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FWIW, and I might be an idiot (OK I'm probably an idiot) I have put a wide piece of wood across my cycle lift, with the weight on the pipes many, many times. Never had a single issue.

Or simply lift the bike from above. Several options have been through here, including use of the garage attic joists and home-made stands.

I'm planning on changing fork oil and possibly lubing the steering bearings this spring. My concern is more about stability when supported by a floor jack. It's probably been covered, but how much weight has to be applied to the passenger seat to lift the front wheel?

Thanks all and Fred W in particular. The wood cradle will fill the bill nicely. My 03 was in pretty good condition when I got her, but needs fork oil changed and head bearing checked. Thanks!

I'm planning on changing fork oil and possibly lubing the steering bearings this spring. My concern is more about stability when supported by a floor jack. It's probably been covered, but how much weight has to be applied to the passenger seat to lift the front wheel?
I just get Deb to sit there for a while :) Seriously, it can be pushed down quite easily with minimal force.

In the past when I have had both wheels off, the forks off, and was elbow deep into checking the valve clearance, I used ratchet web strap to add some lift to the frame up to the rafters in my shop. The bucket in the photo is supporting the front brake calipers, and the wood in front of the cycle jack isn't doing anything for support.


This time around, I am using just the cycle jack, with the 1X12. The jack stands are supporting the front brake calipers. It has been on the jack like this for almost 3 months now, as I am doing a pretty good amount of work on it.



OH, and the plate number is no longer valid, just in case you were thinking of using it for something. IN fact, I am sure the IL State police would love to talk to anyone using that plate number. :yahoo:

OH, and the plate number is no longer valid, just in case you were thinking of using it for something.
[thread jack]

I guess I don't understand the paranoia about posting pictures of your bike with your plate number on it.

I mean, how is that revealing any more "private" information to the public than riding down the street with the same plate right out there on the back?


[/thread jack]

I need to build that cradle. Haven't had any problems lifting against the pipes, but why put pressure on them when the fix is cheap and simple?

OH, and the plate number is no longer valid, just in case you were thinking of using it for something.
[thread jack]

I guess I don't understand the paranoia about posting pictures of your bike with your plate number on it.

I mean, how is that revealing any more "private" information to the public than riding down the street with the same plate right out there on the back?


[/thread jack]
Because some jackwagon in Southern New Hampshire might try to hijack a Florida license number???

Nah....I don't see an issue either.
