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Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
waynesboro mississippi
I've got vibration in left foot peg that will put my foot to sleep. Tighten all part that may have been loose and still there. Doesn't happen on right side and very little on bars. This is an 07 with 18000. Any help? Thanks

Some have vibs some don't and if your lucky like me nothing will get rid of them.

When I added sliders I didn't follow directions from others on this board. Torque left side first then right side. Made big diffence. Why no idea but it really helped.

Can you produce the vibration by reving the engine to a certain RPM in neutral, or, is it speed (MPH) related? If so you may want to pull the drive shaft and see if any of the splines are worn.

Just guessing, you didn't give us much to go on.

Has it been doing it since you got it or is this somthing new?
been doing this since i've got it. Does not do it siting still. Seems to be more noticable at lower speeds(30 to 50 mph) but does it some what at all speeds. I know this is not much to go on but its all got. Thank for all the replies. It gives me something to work with and maybe i'll be able to track it down.I did check out motor mounts for tork and all are ok.

Close but no cigar Jackass, er Scab! Where the hell ya been an how'd ya miss this un?

All I4 motors have an inherent vibration around 4K rpm (even with dual counterbalancers), and the FJR is no exception. I can feel it, but if you have a GenII, the right mirror has a manufacturing defect that allows it to vibrate a little at those rpms, so you'll know where they are. Unfortunately, it's always where I like to cruise, so I have to go a little faster or slower to avoid it, and all is well with the world.

As it was mentioned, a proper TB synch minimizes it, and it did help with mine. If you did other things, like mounting other pegs, etc., check your torque values as well. As a comment, I installed custom aluminum pegs (no rubber), and I can put my feet to sleep if I don't pay attention to the rpms. Nature of the beast. Later.


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All I4 motors have an inherent vibration around 4K rpm (even with dual counterbalancers), and the FJR is no exception. I can feel it, but if you have a GenII, the right mirror has a manufacturing defect that allows it to vibrate a little at those rpms, so you'll know where they are. Unfortunately, it's always where I like to cruise, so I have to go a little faster or slower to avoid it, and all is well with the world.
As it was mentioned, a proper TB synch minimizes it, and it did help with mine. If you did other things, like mounting other pegs, etc., check your torque values as well. As a comment, I installed custom aluminum pegs (no rubber), and I can put my feet to sleep if I don't pay attention to the rpms. Nature of the beast. Later.

I don't like my fuzzy right mirror, but I love this site! Great job guys!

I just noticed FRM sydrome starting on my 08FJR, was about to start tearing into it, and then thought I should check here BEFORE I get going on another wild goose chase.

Saved again!



When I added sliders I didn't follow directions from others on this board. Torque left side first then right side. Made big diffence. Why no idea but it really helped.
My guess: Shaft is on left side of bike so drive alignment is based on the left side mounts of the frame.
