Video Editing - To make cops look bad

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I agree with Ponyfool.

I think the officer should have a review of his actions in regards to his demenor. I know that talking nice sure does get me further with some of the people that come through this county.

As for the use of the taser in what appears to be 40 seconds. What law says that we have to wait a certain amount of time to use a taser. Who says that we have to take a beating before we defend ourselves. Most departments that I know of place the taser near the bottom of the use of force levels.

I work for a Sheriff Department that covers 1800 square miles, back up can be 10 to 25 minutes away. We do not have tasers and I wish we did. I do not want to be out really fighting with somebody for that long.

I stopped a vehicle last January that was weaving all over the road. When I opend my door, I could smell the marijuana smoke back at my patrol car. I asked the driver to step out of the car so that I could talk to him. He told me no. I then had to try to remove the driver from the car. He kept trying to drive away, even after I took one set of keys out from him. I did not know if he had others. For 10 minutes I had to try to keep him from driving off until I had back up there. Luckly I was successfull and he was not able to drive off and hit somebody. With a taser, it would have been over alot faster.

As a side not, he was still fighting us in the jail and the next day had a attitude with the Judge. The Judge was not so nice to him, not real good to talk back to a judge.

Here is the rational, calling it your job does not make it right.

The traffic laws in this country are out of control, I and many people feel it's about money. To the tune of billions. Read this:

Tickets are big business

They use a very conservative estimate in that article, I've seen other estimates that top 25 billion per year.

When laws make 99 percent of the public into criminals there is a huge problem. Not to mention all of the LEOs and most judges and government offices disregard many of the same laws they force on us. I see cops speeding all the time without there lights on. If it's so important that you have to pull someone over in an unsafe place then it's important enough for the police to obey the same laws.

Cops are PUBLIC SERVANTS. 95 percent of the public will cooperate, but there will always be some that don't. That does not give them the right to taze the less cooperative because the cop is having a bad day. You may actually have to talk to them for a while, if you can't or will not do this, find another line of work. Any police officer behaving like this should be removed from the street immediately.

If the side of the road is not safe don't pull people over there, take control.

The countries founders would spin in there graves if they saw the police state we now are forced to live in, cops are tools of a big brother government dreaded by our forefathers, they have become modern day tax collectors. And with new technology like cameras it's going to get worse.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"- Ben Franklin.

Being free means being free to make mistakes, if someone gets injured (body or property) then it's time to assess liability and blame. Pulling over an old lady for 5 over and only 1 plate, putting both her and the officer in harms way is insane.


I agree with both ponyfool and PDsgt's review of the incident. While he was unprofessional, he is human and could have had a bad day. Who knows this could have been one of many uncooperative drivers that he has dealt with that morning. Still no excuse for his behavior.

All that being said, she was clearly in the wrong right from the beginning.

I have a friend at WSP that I use to teach the MSF course with. He said there are three ways to educate a driver as to what they have or are doing wrong and how the driver reacts usually determines which one is chosen.

  1. Talk to them and/or give a verbal warning
  2. Talk to them and give a written warning
  3. Talk to them and write a citation and/or arrest
I believe had she just complied and handed over her license and insurance from the beginning, the outcome would have been much different. What do you bet she didn't have insurance or the vehicle was stolen?

I will commend him for having the sense to stop reacting to her playing the race card and friends in the department. That had to be tough for him given how the situation unfolded.

My humble opinion...

RRA, keep it on the subject without the political rant or the admins will close the thread. I think this is a good discussion and it is interesting to see other points of view. But you last response is the type that will cause the thread to be closed.

We can all get along... B)

The traffic laws in this country are out of control...
As I watch the thread head over the cliff......

It was probably headed there anyway, but this divisive crap is finished. Thread closed. :angry2:

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