VStream or Laminar Lip which one?

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Williamston MI 48895
OK, so I have a few dollars to play with and have decided to either add a "Laminar Lip" or "VStream" windscreen to my 2005 FJR.

Laminar lip is around $100 shipped, vs the Vstream is around $150. Any input and sharing of personal experiences with either (or both) products much appreciated... I am looking for the product that gives me the least amount of turbulance at 70 to 90ish MPH.

For the record, I am 5-10 with a stock seat, and Gen Mar bar risers on my FJR.

Which one should I get?


I haven't used the Vstream, I'm running the CeeBaley, but know plenty of people who love the Vstream. I have however used the Laminar Lip, and found it to be pretty useless, and ugly as sin to boot, it's also a PITA to clean under it, especially when you get bugs splatted in the gap b/w the screen the LL. So that $50 bucks is going to be really good investment to spend on the Vstream.

I am on the other side. I really like the Laminar Lip. I use it on the stock screen and on the ahamay screen as well. It isn't the best looking but it works well for me and I don't find it that hard to keep clean. Find somebody you can trade with and try as many combinations as you can. Opinions are like a@# holes and we have lots of each around here. :rolleyes:

I use the Laminar Lip on my stock screen during the warmer months, and despite it being extremely fugly, it does dramatically reduce buffeting, yet still allows some cooling airflow. It is a PITA to clean around though.

During the cooler seasons, I throw on the barn door known as the Vstream, which is huge and blocks almost everythig, although passengers have complained of increased turbulence. (They are politely reminded they could always buy their own bike!!!).

I went through no less than 4 different shields on my bike ..before throwing on a laminar lip on the OEM shield and quickly settling on that. Wish I would have done it out of the gate and saved myself the PIA and drama and cost of various shields.

Perhaps not the most attractive, but it's been very durable for the last 65Kmiles. Personally I don't think they look that bad.


OH, that reminds me, I need to sell those extra shields to some sucker on the forum here ....uhh, to someone who is not smart enough to start with the laminar lip.

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If respondents don't give their height and inseam length, it's very hard to determine whether the windscreen or combination they like would be suitable for others.

I put a LamLip on my ST1300 and it was my first farkle for my '09 FJR. Good investment. I don't think of it as ugly, only functional. Placement of the Lip has some effect on its benefit. You might want to try a couple of different height locations.

BTW, I'm 6'0", 230 lbs, 66 years old, protect the whales, enjoy long walks on the beach and travel (by motorycyle), and cuddling by the fire if it leads to sex.

pete :rolleyes:

No experience with either, but I have a special taller screen (Schurgers = Dutch, so not very useful for you) because I personally find the Laminar Lip %$$@#-ugly... I would go for the nicer-looking version: the V-stream, yet there is only one way to be sure: see if you can try before you buy...

I only have experience with the Vstream and really like it on my 07. Because your bike is a gen I, you can pretty much ignore anyone (like me) that has a gen II bike (06 and later) because the air management is different.

To add onto the last statement, the VStream is a good 4" taller or so and much wider especially up top. I like it during the cold months, I'm 6'2 and I think it would be even better for a smaller person, except in the down position the wind may still hit you in the helmet. I use spacers to reduce back pressure and turbulence and lowers a bit.

FWIW, the smoothest and quietest and most comfortable screen I have used is a CeeBaily sport shield that is much shorter than a stock screen.

Small screen FTW! I didn't believe it either until I tried it....

I have a +4 Cal Sci window that works well without the lip, but even better with it. If I am running on a road with clean air, i.e. no turbulence from other vehicles, it is so quiet I can hear my Passport 8500 chirp. With earplugs in.
