Vstream Windshield for the 06

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got mine today installed and took a short ride sure puts you out of the air flow might be to hot for 100 + south TX summers. I felt hotter in mesh jacket than stock and helmet is hotter. I look throught it all the way up which I dont like- need to ride more to past judgement. Pulled it off to send back as it has two small pin head size plastic drips?? or bubbles?? in middle of shield.

You wanted picks of the V....




When I did this shot for the camera, The shield looked a little off, but it doesn't really show in the pic.






I thought i better give a report of this shield to those of us who are vertically challenged;

Just recieved mine today. Installed and did some testing. First of all, you should know that i was after a shield that would:

1. minimize wind noise

2. Maximize my coverage in the lowest position (since we know that as the shield comes up, so does the heat)

3. Not force me to look through the shield.

Should be easy enough right? Guess again.....I'm 5' 6". :blink:

When i first put the thing on, i thought theres no way i can look over that thing. Turns out i do look over it. in the lowest position, i have a clear view over the top of it and the windstream coming off the shield hits me on the forehead. Raising the shield one inch, deflects the air flow over my head completely (and i'm still not looking through the shield.....its starting to get really close though). Buffeting is history. Shield quality is excellent. Wind noise is reduced 95%. I tested it with no helmet,no ear plugs, and no sunglasses on at 70mph (Thats right boys and girls, i dont check to see how my new furnace is working by running around the house in my winter coat!!). That would have been unheard of with the stock shield. Its going to take me some time to get used to the shield, and i would have probably preferred it to be a little shorter (maybe an inch (making it 2.5 inches larger than stock vs. 3.25)), but time will tell. With shield all the way up, i could put my kids on my shoulders and they wouldnt get any air. its still in the 60's around here, so heat testing will have to wait.

Shield is symetrical by my initial measurements.

I like the idea of getting this type of protection due to the type of riding i'm forced to do most of the time (ie. highway). We'll give it a week and if anything changes, you'll be the first to know.


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My Vstream arrived yesterday from Umotors (great folks). I was a bit disturbed to see muddy foot prints on the box (thanks UPS!) but no damage inside. The shield looks fantastic.

I'll be doing a very detailed side-by-side comparison vs. my Cal-Sci Tall as soon as my CC install is finished.

Hey GreyGoose....

I bet you'll love the VStream even more if you get some of Skyway's spacers. They produce a more laid-back angle to the shield which also effectively lowers it. You'll get more benefits and still be able to see over it comfortably.

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Hey GreyGoose....
I bet you'll love the VStream even more if you get some of Skyway's spacers. They produce a more laid-back angle to the shield which also effectively lowers it. You'll get more benefits and still be able to see over it comfortably.
what benefits would these spacers give me?

i've got very little buffeting, wind noise, or back pressure. not quite sure how the spacers would improve on that.


I'm not sure if Skyway makes spacers for the '06 and '07. Keeping in mind how utterly subjective this whole issue of shields is, adding the spacers, in my case, took a low back pressure situation and improved it even further. Same for noise and buffeting....made a good situation even better.

In your case, GreyGoose, you'd benefit from having a greater range of motion, therefore a greater range of effects, before you have to start looking through the shield. Of course, if Skyway doesn't make them for your bike, it's a moot point. I'd ask him about it.
