VStrom Handguard Install Problem

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IBA# 446
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carleton Place, ON
I ordered all the parts listed on the FJRTech website that are needed for the VStrom handguards some months ago.

VStrom Handguard

Finally got around to try and install them this weekend. But when I did I immediately noticed a problem. The bolt for the front brake lever pivot was too long. There are two of these bolts; one for the clutch and one for the brake lever. The clutch lever side fits fine. However, the brake lever side is too long. Or to put it another way, the stock pivot bolt for the brake lever is shorter than the stock pivot bolt for the clutch lever. This is what it looks like.


Note that the extended hex head does not seat on the housing properly. This now sits too high for the handguard to fit over top. (I can force the handguard to fit, but it distorts the plastic and it doesn't sit right).

Heres a pic from the FJR Tech site showing the same position. Note that the hex head seems to sit flush on the housing.


For comparison look at this pic. From left to right are the stock clutch bolt, the stock brake bolt and then the new pivot bolt for the brake lever. Note how the length of the unthreaded portion of the shaft.


I went back to the FJR Tech site and checked all the part numbers of what I ordered and they match up. The site even lists 2 of this bolt (57431-06G00).

So my question is this: Is this the correct bolt and should I therefor just force the handguard to fit (dont like this option). Or is there a different bolt for the right/brake lever side. And does someone know the part number?

- Colin

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I ordered all the parts listed on the FJRTech website that are needed for the VStrom handguards some months ago.
VStrom Handguard

Finally got around to try and install them this weekend. But when I did I immediately noticed a problem. The bolt for the front brake lever pivot was too long. There are two of these bolts; one for the clutch and one for the brake lever. The clutch lever side fits fine. However, the brake lever side is too long. Or to put it another way, the stock pivot bolt for the brake lever is shorter than the stock pivot bolt for the clutch lever. This is what it looks like.


Note that the extended hex head does not seat on the housing properly. This now sits too high for the handguard to fit over top. (I can force the handguard to fit, but it distorts the plastic and it doesn't sit right).

Heres a pic from the FJR Tech site showing the same position. Note that the hex head seems to sit flush on the housing.


For comparison look at this pic. From left to right are the stock clutch bolt, the stock brake bolt and then the new pivot bolt for the brake lever. Note how the length of the unthreaded portion of the shaft.


I went back to the FJR Tech site and checked all the part numbers of what I ordered and they match up. The site even lists 2 of this bolt (57431-06G00).

So my question is this: Is this the correct bolt and should I therefor just force the handguard to fit (dont like this option). Or is there a different bolt for the right/brake lever side. And does someone know the part number?

- Colin

I think the easy solution is to take a tap & die set and cut a thread into the shoulder of the longer bolt so that the bolt now screws in flush. You may have to take some off the end...

Note that the extended hex head does not seat on the housing properly. This now sits too high for the handguard to fit over top. (I can force the handguard to fit, but it distorts the plastic and it doesn't sit right).
How bad is it really? The bolt's height is a bit higher than stock, but in my experience it doesn't signficantly warp things to change the operation of the front brake handle. In fact, I have my brake lever set on 4 and there's at least a half inch gap between it and the tip touching the guard. The clutch side is a little closer set on 2.

I guess I noticed, but tried it and quickly got used to it and don't even notice now.

Here's fresh pics of my setup from a couple of angles and right is close to left, but not enough that it bothers me.


Bolt is raised as you describe.


Bottom position perhaps spreads the right guard 1/4" more than the left.


Front to back view showing approximate view of guard compared to brake fluid reservoir.

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There's a thread that covered this a while back... might've got lost in the hack. Basically they changed the setup from Dale's original '03, so it does stick up higher on the '05s (and maybe the '04s too, can't remember). AAaaaaaaaaaaanyway, the solutions are as mentioned above... cut additional thread to make it sit flush, or bolt it on as is and ride it like you stole it. I'm in the second category (when they're on in the colder months), but might get mine fixed if the mood grabs me sometime this summer.

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Actually, while this looks odd, it is where it should be. Step back and compare the height of the handguard with the left side. On mine, they were the same even though the bolt appears as your picture. I left it alone and rode.

I used a bench grinder to grind down the shoulder on the brake side bolt. I took it down about a quarter inch. Then I cut some threads on the ground down part. Looks better but probably makes little diffreence in how they function.

Ignacio, thanks for the extra pic. I couldn't make out the detail in the original picture on the FJRTech site. Once I saw your extra picture posted here I was able to see that it did sit a bit high.

Once I saw this I went ahead and finished the install on Sunday. Other than this issue the install went fine. Once I actually got everything lined up the right hanguard actually fit better than I thought it was going to. So obviously the extra height was not the issue I thought it was. It took me a bit to figure out what the extra nuts and washers were for but I think I got it figured out.

The only trimming I had to do was on the part that clips onto the handlebar end weights. The holes had to be enlarged, 10 seconds with a dremel fixed this. Other than that no trimming was required. However the left side was pushing into the wire loom running to the handlebars and pulling it a bit tight so I cut a nice rounded notch on the bottom to relieve a bit of the strain on the wire.

Mother nature co-operated with a nice cold front and 10 degree C temps on the way into work this morning. I was using the lightweight summer gloves and my hands were fine. I'm curious to see how they work in the rain as well.

Thanx all for the help. :clapping:


I'm getting ready to do this install, and I'll have to make some additional mods to the right side to accomodate the throttlemeister. I've been thinking about just hacking off part of the side and leaving it open. You guys that have been using these -- do you think that will work? Is the plastic stiff enough to let that side just float in the breeze a bit?

I had the same issue with mine and I just filled the space with washers...

I haven't installed the "updated" guards, I have the old ones and they only anchor at the inside of the grips, but they were designed to be that way, cutting off the new guards might give different results...

Mine have been on since Sept 04 (2005 bike-the fastest color blue :D ) and have stress cracks by the bolt holes, will be upgrading soon as they are starting to develop some free play.

Great farkle though, as you mentioned you can wear a whole lot less glove and still be comfortable (they help with the rain too...as long as you're moving of course) <_<

I'm getting ready to do this install, and I'll have to make some additional mods to the right side to accomodate the throttlemeister. I've been thinking about just hacking off part of the side and leaving it open. You guys that have been using these -- do you think that will work? Is the plastic stiff enough to let that side just float in the breeze a bit?
This is what I did to combine the hand guards with the throttlemeister

Both sides were modified using a sanding band attached to my dremel.

-Clutch side was sanded just large enough to snap firmly onto the outside diameter of the bare handlebar (no grip) You can see from the pictures I have added the BMW grips to my bike. Originally I thought I was going to have to modify the turn signal/horn/windscreen switch housing to slide it out a little to fill the gap but I like how they turned out.

Clutch side



Throttle side was enlarged much more. It fits nicely on the outside diameter of the throttle-side fitting. It doesn't snap on but just rides/rests on the bar end.

Throttle side



The throttle side will sometimes slide up off of the throttlemeister end weight and end up in the area of the rubber friction fitting but it is large enough (diameter wise) that it can't cause any harm (lock the throttle on)

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how are you folks getting around the issue of the throttle potentially catching on the part of the guard that "snaps" on at the end of the throttle? i saw that one poster enlarged the snap-on part to fit on the bar end, but i have larger bar ends that are as wide, if not wider, than the guard ends.


disregard this post, tried to draw with lines, didn't come out right when i posted it.

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Trim the grip if neccessary.
if i trim the grip, then i have an even bigger gap between bar end and grip, and shows either the "shoulder" of the bar end, or the throttle tube on the gap where the "c" part of the handguard is not snapped on.

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