VStrom Handguard Install Problem

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how are you folks getting around the issue of the throttle potentially catching on the part of the guard that "snaps" on at the end of the throttle? i saw that one poster enlarged the snap-on part to fit on the bar end, but i have larger bar ends that are as wide, if not wider, than the guard ends.
I put two washers on the bar end to space it out from the bar. Had to do some grinding to get the spacing I wanted, but now mine go over the thin part of the bar end.

I had to trim my throttle side guard and it works fine now. As for the bolt I just used plastic wire ties (black) and they blend in and if I want to take the guards off I just cut them. Simple and cheap. Some might think tacky but oh well. I do what I want. Semper fi. Everett

I put two washers on the bar end to space it out from the bar.
Exactly so. Adding a couple flat washers (or perhaps even better: one flat and one split washer) will "stand off" the bar end weight such that there is no interference with throttle operation, nor any interference with Vista Cruise operation.

I welded 1/4" X 1/2" shoulder bolts to the head of the exiting pivot bolts, then opened the bottom part of the guards to 'snap' around the nut. It is still a three point anchor and solid.



We need a picture.
throttle side, showing the bar end shoulder that is now exposed. i've added washers between the end of the bar and the bar end, so there's no rubbing of throttle and guard. i just don't like that big space showing there.


clutch side, showing how the end of the grip is not uniform. i think i still prefer this look to doing a circumcision of the grip and having the big space, exposing the shoulder of the bar end.


perhaps i shall shave off some of that shoulder on each bar end, unless anyone has better suggestions.

oh, also, are people cutting more material off of the "c" that goes on the end, so that it snugs up more? i'm not sure i like it sticking out like this:


thx for the suggestions and help so far.

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thanks for all the piccies!

I ordered the "kit" from fjrgoodies last week, they should be arriving most any day.

Had the Gen 1 handguards on my 03 since birth but they have cracked slightly at the connect points and I've always lusted after the wrap-around style so I ordered them from Geru Glen a few weeks ago. I was worried about installing the new ones over my Throttlemeister but it was a piece of cake. None of the problems with wrong bolt lengths or spacers, mine slipped in as easy as pie, once I'd dremmeled the openings a bit bigger to fit between my TM bar ends and the grips.

Basically I took the throttle bar end off, peeled back the grip a bit exposing the rubber grommet underneath; cut the edge off rubber grommet so that I could slide it in a bit further up the throttle tube, exposing the tube to be used as a support for the handguard. Repeel the grip back over the grommet.




Measure the gap you need at the throttle tube and dremmel away.



Tighten the handquard nuts, adjust the TM so it stays put properly, and repeat for the clutch side. Thought I might need some washers between the TM bar end and the handguard opening but there is plenty of room there and no binding so I'll leave it without, pending testing. I'm really impressed how rock solid they are compared to the gen 1s!!


Spent yesterday riding around the Adirondacks and I can attest that the new gen 2 VSTROM handguards are the catsass! They are rock solid, big enough to give excellent protection and allow full glove movement inside them. The only awkward moment came when I tried to use the TM; my usual slide the glove over technique had to be modifid to account for handguard end. They look so custom that I had several of the guy I was riding with comment on how sweet they look!
