wacked another deer

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Good grief, are you going for the hat trick? Good on ya for staying up this time. Michigan must be as bad as Pennsylvania for deer; I saw a ton of 'em driving up in the cage to see my son in Pittsburgh last year.

If I were a betting man, and had a million dollars...I'd say you are safe from deer strikes for a loooong time.
I wish it were so, but (knocking on wood) my FJR is the only vehicle in the family not to have at least one deer hit. The strange part is that the Ford and minivan had them run into the side. At least the doe that stuck her head in the fenderwell behind the front left wheel won't be around to make any more little forest rats.

what time of day? I find as the summer comes to a close and the days get shorter I get caught by dusk a lot more often than earlier in the summer. I make a specific effort to not be on the road at sundown because this is when the deer are moving.

ps. glad you are here to talk about it.

Man, you are shouldering the burden for all of us. Given the number of deer you've hit, the rest of us should be in the clear for the rest of the season!

I'm glad you've not been injured...that's some scary stuff.

What time of day did both accidents occur? I would stay away from those times.

Yeah, Michigan hunters need to get busy! :clapping:

GLAD you are here to post up. :blink:

Glad you're ok, just be careful not to get a third one . . . . . unless it's with a bullet, arrow, etc.


Just came back from the dealer. They looked the bike over. The radiator is pushed back about an inch and a half on one side and is bent. Plus most of the plastic is bad up front. Still ride-able though. There are actually deer hairs stuck between the tire and wheel. They've been in there at least a hundred miles now. Insurance guy will check it out tomorrow.

As far as the time of day. The first deer hit was at about 10 at night. The second was at 8 in the morning (daylight). Most of my riding is back and forth to work. I'm on 3rd shift so both trips are prime times for deer movement. 35 miles each way on back rodes. Stuff happens. Can't let it bother you. There are so many deer in lower Michigan that they're having an early gun season in a couple weeks. I intend to get a couple, the easy way this time.

Wow, that is incredible. We'd like to think that when lightning strikes we're allotted a given time frame when **** won't happen.

I fear the deer... Last week I was out on one of my favorite back roads. I know the road well and I usually push hard. But there is one fairly tight turn that is blind and has a lot of over hanging trees. I never push it through this particular turn because it is so blind, but I usually stay at the speed limit of 35 Mph. On this one occasion I was going extremely slow, something distracted me going into the turn and I was probably under 20 Mph - don' know why exactly. When I came around the turn there were two deer right in the road. Even at that speed I was upon them without having any real options. One stepped off to my left side in a slow trot and the other just stayed on the right at the road edge. It was surreal, it was like I was frozen in time just drifting between the two deer. I could have whacked either one in the ass if I reach out.

I think one of the reasons they weren't immediately spooked is because the FJR is quite. I have a very loud Duc and I seem to have more encounters with spooked deer on that bike. When it comes to deer I don't think loud pipes (or open clutches) save lives.

Very glad that you're here and able to make the report. There is a deer population explosion all over the place. In several years on this forum I've never read as many deerstrike threads as this year. Your damage report sounds very similar to mine - the adjuster calculated $10,500 to repair - very little of which was labor... Hope yours isn't written-off.

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Not sure if that's really lucky - or really unlucky but glad you are ok. Since I've asked before, I'll ask again...deer whistles installed on either bike?
Why would you want to call a deer when riding? A deer grunt will work better.

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I stopped the FJR for two deer this morning on my way to work, they crossed the road on a long straight where I could spot them a long way off, so I stopped over 100 yards away and waited. The rural roads I love to ride are filled with them. I see or dodge at least once a month, there are places where I've seen them so often I slow down and really look for them. So far I've managed to miss them. When I take a blind corner I think what if three elephants and a rhino are playing contract bridge in the center of my lane just beyond my view. But it is the no warning situation I fear the most, where they could just dash out of the woods, right next to the road, in an unpreventable collision. I can actually see it now in my mind, I'm going to skid-turn fast, only need a decision left or right, damn - too late, thanks great sprit for my foolishness.

Still, I'll take these deer roads over the Slabs anyday. I'll take my chances with the deer vs. kids in primer colored econoboxes with holes cut in the exhausts systems out impressing friends with their great driving skills, tiny women driving huge SUVs employing the snow plow technique to clear motorized obstacles from the left lane, cell phone yappers of all ages, groups of sportbikers out seeing who has the biggest balls, and the inevitable giant van type vehicle that is dedicated to both being a blockade and denying me any potential view of the road ahead.

Suddenly I feel safer with Bambi. Thanks for taking the statistical hit for me, twice, ridin a bike is a crazy dangerous thing, lifetime I've crashed about 6 times but thankfully, not once in the last 27 years. In all my accidents no other vehicle or animal was involved, just my stupid ass going way the hell too fast over roads that would inevitably let me down with surprise gravel or tiny unmarked rivers. The only exception scores me no better, that was the time I decided to modify the suspension on my RD350 by shoving an extra, hand made, spacer into the fork, that bike flopped down so hard to the left when I hit the brakes I think some of my few remaining brain cells are still bungee jumping.

If I were a betting man, and had a million dollars...I'd say you are safe from deer strikes for a loooong time.
I think I would say to be extremely careful. It sounds like the times you ride are prime deer times and obviously you have to ride in an area with a high density (LOTS) of deer. I'd think you're more likely than most to hit one again. Wishing you the very best. Ride safe.

If I were a betting man, and had a million dollars...I'd say you are safe from deer strikes for a loooong time.
I'm sure that's what he thought after the first hit, too.

Glad you're still here and getting back in the game...maybe that should be hunt.

