wacked another deer

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If you are not already a deer hunter, NOW is the appropriate time to start! When does deer season open in Michigan?

Forgot to add to my first post: Glad you're ok man, and that no harm came to you. And I really hope your insurance covers everything just nicely...

There are so many deer in lower Michigan that they're having an early gun season in a couple weeks. I intend to get a couple, the easy way this time.
The easy way? How easy is it to put a headlight and a horn on a bullet? Once you do though the deer will jump right in front of it everytime! :trinibob:

Glad you're ok and thanks for sharing.

Old riding bud of mine, Jimmy "the Moose" Morroco hit a deer with his GS 400 Sazook a few years ago and killed it..Everyone told him to quit riding- to dangerous.Year later he hit three deer all at once on his XS 400 Yammie and killed them all. Most likely with his body, he was over 300 lbs. Everyone told him to quit riding-to dangerous. Spent the last year of his life dying of cancer. Me, I guess I'll keep up on two wheels regardless of the rats...

There's an early doe season here that starts in a week or so. Bow season starts Oct 1. There's more than 3 and a half months worth of deer hunting seasons this year. They had cut back on the doe tags the last couple years so the population is getting more out of control than usual. I certainly plan to do my part. Hopefully put 3 or 4 in the freezer.

On a side note, rode the FJR in a good heavy rain this morning. Seems to do pretty well. Sould be a better bike for bad weather than the last couple I've had.

Good when you're done it MI, come on over to NJ and bag a few.

There should be open season on the Forrest rats, they have no natural predators at least in NJ anyway.

Just bounced a Doe off our beater car last night, cracked plastic fender with a hole in it now and a nicely dented hood.

Almost makes me want to quit riding the bike till maybe December!

Hopefully my Karma is fulfilled for this season. :angry:

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Man, two in one season? Yikes!

I've ridden 35 years and have dodged a few but never hit one (knock on wood). Yesterday my wife and I were riding in the White Pines area of Idaho. Had four elk cross in front of us, about one hundred yards ahead. At least you're not dealing with these, but I suppose you need to be on the lookout for the occasional moose...

Your quota has been filled.

Bike shop says $2,700 to repair. Don't have the parts in yet. I'm still riding it until they do.

Moose and Elk. Shit, I don't think they'd be nearly as much fun to hit. I'll stick with deer.
