Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Besides wiring differently, Powerlet glove liners produce 27% more heat than the WarmNSafe liners. (14 watts each vs. 11 watts) And 17% more heat than the WarmNSafe heated gloves (14 watts vs 12 watts)Warm N Safe also sells a glove liner (do they make the one for Powerlet?) I would think it serves the same purpose. I plan to use a set of liners with my Olympia gloves. $47.50 for a liner sounds like a bargain.
Because Powerlet sells Heat Trollers and Jacket Liners made by Warm & Safe, as does First Gear, I thought the same thing.
The BMW dealer told me that Powerlet wired their own heated glove liners and did something differently than the Gerbing's or Warm & Safe liners which cause them to be feel warmer.
He wasn't kidding. The Powerlet liners give off more heat that a prom date. They feel noticeably warmer than the Gerbing's or Warm & Safe units and that's what I need in Michigan. However, if I lived in your neck of the woods, I'd be very satisfied with any one of the available brands.
Not sure I need that extra heat, but since I already have some Tourmaster waterproof insulated winter type riding gloves I think I may have to try the WarmNSafe glove liners since they are significantly cheaper and the Gen I FJRs can be watt challenged.
Good thread. And good information Bill!