Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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I demand to be first in line when they finally ask for help. I'm just totally devastated by this news. Wayne and Annette, my best wishes and whole hearted support on a quick recovery. I'm so sorry this had to happen after such a perfect weekend. Whatever you need, whatever you want, whatever I can do let me know and I'll get it done for you....thats a promise. Might be just about time for another 50/50.


It's time to remind Wayne that there are much better ways to excuse us all for another trip to the mountains. I'll see everyone there this weekend.

I'll be working somewhat close to that area tomorrow and may be able to arrange a "detour". He can have any of my body parts that aren't already broken worse than his.

Hang in there Wayne and Annette. We're praying for you.

Felt bad to read about this :( Heal up quick Wayne and Annette!

Anyone who heads over, let Wayne know I have a trailer and can haul the bike back to Mi for them.

Just spoke with Annette. Friends and family have called thru out today. She is glad that everyone is concerned, and while she didn't come right out and say so, she hinted that the thing the two of them need most right now is rest. So might be best to give them a little space with the well wishes for a day or two...for sure for the rest of today.

So...somehow I've missed the thread detailing what exactly happened to Wayne and Annette. They certainly are in my prayers>


Best wishes for a complete recovery for both of you.

Is there a post somewhere that tells us what happened?

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This is the first I have heard of this. I was at EOM from Thursday noon until Monday morning. When did this happen...WHAT happened?

This is not good news at all. Damn, I was just bragging to my wife that other than the mishap with the truck, which fortunately damaged neither bike nor rider, and the slow speed issue with the diesel fuel on 16, there were no accidents. In this large a group and riding the kinds of roads we were riding, that is a great record. Wayne and Annette, I wish you well and a quick recovery. :(


I demand to be first in line when they finally ask for help. I'm just totally devastated by this news. Wayne and Annette, my best wishes and whole hearted support on a quick recovery. I'm so sorry this had to happen after such a perfect weekend. Whatever you need, whatever you want, whatever I can do let me know and I'll get it done for you....thats a promise. Might be just about time for another 50/50.

A Major Ditto On that one.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do

Please get better soon, I was looking forward to meeting you two again for lunch soon! I had a great time riding down from Parkersburg with you. You two are some of

the best people I have met.



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Oh my god that's horrible! I just got home and found this thread. Jim, Iris and I discussed Wayne's riding skills multiple times since riding with them on Saturday, and I'm going to have to call them as I'm sure they won't see this for some time.

Heal quickly!

One thing I've heard to help is if someone lives in their area, to mow the yard, walk their dog (if they have one), grocery shop for them, things like that.


I've received several emails, messages and phone calls as to the cause of Wayne and Annette's accident. Here's what I know and all I know. Wayne believes that his front tire went down. They were not riding hard or fast according to Annette and all the sudden the front end washed out and they were down and sliding down the embankment.

Annette also mentioned that Charles who was following them said that's the only logical explanation given the speed and the fact there was nothing on the road. Let's please not turn this thread into speculation on what caused the accident. When Wayne is back on the forum he will explain what happened as best he can.

NOTE: If you have Wayne or Annette's cell phone numbers, DO NOT CALL THEM! They need to rest and get better.


First and foremost, Annette and Wayne are in my prayers for a fast recovery. I live 40 or so miles from them, in Michigan. Let them know that whatever they need from this neck of the woods, that I am ready to help! I will PM you with my cell number.

I wish them well!!

We just got a call from JMarran to tell us the news and feel horrible.

Glad to hear that they still have a sense of humor. Jim and I wish them both a speedy recovery and if there's anything we can do to help, please let us know.

Iris and Jim

This is tragic news, for sure. I'm glad it's not Ex-marine, though. Heal up, you two. You're in all of our thoughts.
