Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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Wayne and Annette,

Wow............so sorry to hear. We left late Monday morning. We assumed that everyone else had already gone home. You are in my prayers, I will also put you back on the prayer list at work. :/ My co-workers always pray for our EOM meets and they will be sad to know that someone was injured. Get well soon....

No scab, you may not tell them the supository story until they are all healed up. You made me laugh so hard that I wet my pants and my stomack hurt the next day... jeeze ...louise

Mrs. Quick Silver

Quick update:

The wifey and I went to see Wayne and Annette at Roanoke Memorial tonight to see how they were holding up and to offer our help. Under the circumstances, they are doing good. Annette was pretty upbeat despite their situation. They removed her chest tube today. We talked for a while until they took her to take some more X-rays. Once they took her, we went to see Wayne.

Wayne is doing alright. He sustained some fairly major injuries (especially to his back), but there seems to be no need for surgery at this point. He is supposed to receive a fitted back brace to help stabilize and support him. Depending on how he is doing after the brace is put on, there might be a possibility that they will let him go home. Annette mentioned that it might be as early as this weekend, but wasn't 100% sure.

Before we left, Wayne told me that he will be back on a bike as soon as possible so he can ride in next year's EOM. I told them both that I really appreciated the opportunity to meet them at EOM, but that I could have waited a year to see them again. Wayne is a tough trooper, and even though they had sedated him with some good pain medication, he was already joking around.

Keep them both in your thoughts.

Does anybody know if they will be staying at this hospital for a couple of days or do they plan on moving them anywhere?

Thanks for the update Ingo.

Looks like the weather may make up my mind about heading out to Roanoke on Saturday.

Does anybody know if they will be staying at this hospital for a couple of days or do they plan on moving them anywhere?
Annette said something to the affect that there may be a possibility of moving them by this weekend (but in retrospect she may be talking about her) so you better call first.

Thanks for the update Ingo.
Looks like the weather may make up my mind about heading out to Roanoke on Saturday.

I was going to mention that the weather forecast looks pretty crappy for the weekend.

It is already overcast, much cooler and very windy here today. Probably a good choice not to head out this way on the bike.

Ingo, I think that it's a pretty safe bet that I'm canceling this weekend. Thanks for the offer of meeting up & lodging at your abode. It is MUCH appreciated.

So, will see you on the road... sooner than later I hope. That bike of yours needs some miles on it!

Wayne,(and Annette)

We have enough pictures of you dragging you cans in a corner, you can stop now :p

See you soon buddy

I do not live far from Roanoke and I do have a trailer. If someone is needed to pick up their bikes and take them to MI, I will do it :unsure:

BTW my cell # 304 9205355

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I do not live far from Roanoke and I do have a trailer. If someone is needed to pick up their bikes and take them to MI, I will do it :unsure:

I have a short business trip planned to Wisconsin end of next week. I am taking a flatbed trailer to pick up a piece of equipment so I have ofered to take the bike while I go. He and she do not know what their insurance agent will do towing wise. Their towing rider only covers a single intown tow. I will be only about 200 miles out of my way just on the way up. I don't know at this point if it is going to be necessary.

Is the location of Wayne's bike known, yet? The bike went down somewhere near Bluefield... so it is probably somewhere down there... not in Roanoke.

John, it sounds like you've been talking with them. Is that correct?

I know a good wrecker service in Princeton :rolleyes: but I'd assume that place would be too far north.

For real, the bike may be in VA. Actually, most likely, it is in VA.

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After talking to them yesterday and asking about the bike, Annette told me that the bike is somewhere in Bluefield (not sure exactly where), but hesitated for anyone to go and pick it up yet. She said that she needed to talk to their insurance first to see what they need to do. Most likely the bike is a total loss and may not be released by the insurance after they look at it. Wayne told me that there are a few items that he wanted to get off the bike before its hauled away and I told him that I would take care of it once they found out from the insurance. They have my number, but I will call and talk to Annette to find out more.

Wow, just got back and found this. Wayne, I enjoyed our talking with you at last year's EOM and had to work last weekend, os missed this one. Get better fast!

Just got off the phone with Annette and she told me that Doug (Wayne's captain) has gone to the bike and taken the items off that Wayne requested. He also took some pictures. No idea about the valve stem, but apparently the bike doesn't look too bad. Maybe they will be able to put it back together. He really loves that specific bike.

As Jim (jekirby) stated in his post he has offered to take the bike up to Michigan on his way to Wisconsin if the insurance situation gets worked out before that. Btw, thanks for offering your help with that.

All I know is that the bike is currently in Bluefield in a shop and they are already talking to the insurance.

Annette is going to have surgery on her wrist tomorrow and will probably be out of it afterwards. Wayne had his back brace put on today so they could get to perform an MRI on his back. They are now waiting for the results of the MRI. While in the back brace he was able to take a few steps and that cheered him up. At this point it is still unclear whether they will release any of them on the weekend. Btw, Annette's lung was not punctured. Thank god. She did have fluid in her right lung, which restricted air intake.

I Agree with FJRONAMISSION to much falling down lately. I was going to head down south for the TWN event but crashed Saturday training for Enduro/Hare Scambles season and broke my collarbone and 3 ribs so won't be doing much of anything for a spell. Sorry to hear about you guys and hope everything gets better real soon.

After hearing about Wayne & Annette I really feel lucky my little spill on Saturday wasn't any more serious.

I'll probably post some more on that later.

But if anybody see them please wish them well and a fast recovery.

I am 2-3 hours from Roanoke depending on weather/ traffic etc. I also have a fairly relaxed schedule . Wayne and Annette, or anyone talking with them or helping, let me know what I can do if anything. PM me. Cliff

Is the location of Wayne's bike known, yet? The bike went down somewhere near Bluefield... so it is probably somewhere down there... not in Roanoke.
John, it sounds like you've been talking with them. Is that correct?

I know a good wrecker service in Princeton :rolleyes: but I'd assume that place would be too far north.

For real, the bike may be in VA. Actually, most likely, it is in VA.
No, I don't know where it is. I know that the Capitan had the name of the service, but I don't. Annette is going to call me if I am needed to get it.
