Thanks J. B. for my name popping up in your reply "weekend riders". Dam I am going to have to change my name, no one will want to ride with me, being, weekend rider. :yahoo: gottcha :yahoo:
About the rating for helmets Snell vs. Dot I read a report in my MC magazine a couple of years ago about the rating for both. They both do the same thing protect your head I know wearing either one will protect you to the max. The max is what the material is designed for. A crash and being thrown off your bike and landing head first from the bike going 80mph will not keep you from getting seriously injured. It will protect you to the speed it was designed for. Which is not 80mph, as you know death is knocking at the door when one happens like this.
So, before you buy, buyer beware, and read the labels, that information was put there for a reason to let you know the limits of the helmet and how it will perfom when called upon.
It is not how much you practice, it is what and how you react in a situation with less than a second to react and sometimes up to 2 or three seconds.
It is not how often you practice it is the " Quality of the Practice" that counts and the only way to find out is when an incident unfolds beroe your eyes when ridding.
I try to always have a

about me weekend rider Dam that J.B.