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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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@SkooterG, sorry to hear about the incident, BTDT :( . At least the FJR was semi-rideable! Gotta watchit, dem Sierra's will bite-cha, but yeah, we are blessed with some lovely places to ride.

What's up with all the bad mouthing of the EZ Board? Okay, it is a little slow and they've had a majorly bad attack that they will probably solve, but not improve their basic model. BUT the site has served the FJR community quite well for the 2+ years I've been on it (At least it has served me greatly!). I've learned a lot about my bike and met some great people because of that site and FJR Owners. Many of you (I've red your posts) use both boards and the STN. This is the NEW place, and a good one it seems to be. I love the floorplan and the color scheme! It will continue to grow because of the interaction of the people involved and the collective knowledge....not just the bells and whistles.

Geez, I sound like my dad. Rant over!

Great board, user friendly and hopefully as informative as the FJR1300 Owners Assoc. has been since the FJR1330 was brought to the states in 2003.

I will use as many boards as I can for information and group rides, hope to see everyone at some time or another on the road.


Well, count me in as another EZ Board supporter that will be moving here. I'll probably still check in on the boys 'over there', but will make this board my primary FJR grounds. I like the look and feel of this board, and know from the look of the membership that it will be just as interesting and entertaining as that other place :lol: !

Time to go exploring and update that profile.


I like the responsiveness of this server so far. We'll see if it bogs down when we have a real thread count.

I always preferred using the EZBoard site compared to the Other Board. 'Hope this one proves to be the best of the lot.

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This is forum looks great! Nice navigate so quickly. Ezboard supporter here, making the conversion.

Keep up the good work.

Hello all, looks like there are lots of old friends in here. Nice to hear from everyone. Later .....

WOW! References to here were being censored?

I admit to only getting over to the EZ Board about once or twice a week. Not enough time in the day to spend on all the different forums. The micapeak list is my main FJR connection. I've pretty much run out of time for the UK site. With the speed problems of EZ and it being hacked, it was getting toasted around the edges.

I really like the looks of this site. It's great to be here. Finally got back from overseas and had the new FJR waiting on me. It's sweet!


/lurk off/

Hi all, long-time lurker from EZboard, micapeak list, fjrowners board, now here. This site seems scads more powerful than EZboard, hope it stays that way. I've received lots of invaluable info from you guys, plus sold and bought some stuff, so I decided to follow you on over.

Thanks for everything! Anything I can do for anyone, just ask.


Birmingham, AL

/lurk on/

Well, well... very nice site...

Thanks to Bounce for posting a link at the EZ board, or I might never have found out about this place.

Good to see a lot of other familiar names in the crowd B) .

Eureka :D

I like this site and looks like most of the FJR forum members are here already.

Hello to everyone!

Keep the rubber side down

WooHoo!!! I have found a new home!!! I went by FJR ENVY over "there". I Love this forum type so much better than EZ!! Thanks to all who made this possible!


I'm in! Is someone going to make a big post over at EZ board to get everyone to move over? Me thinks they should! :p

am i in yes im in .. :p

damm whats up with training wheels i have lots of work to do !!!@#

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