West Coast Cruise festival @ Fairlaners???

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My name is Smitty.. And I have a motorcycle proble
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hooterville, MO
Me and my friend Richard have been talking, and looks like I may fly out to the West Coast for some installs. Here's the plan... I will be at Fairlaners on Thanksgiving day, and will fly home on Sunday. There should be time to install 8 or 9 cruise controls on your FJR's.

2 on Thursday..

3 on Friday...

3 on Saturday

1 on Sunday ?

There will be some extra cost to this install,

My fee will be $230. for labor and misc. small parts..

Also you will need to add approx. $40.-$50. (if less a refund will be given) to cover the extra cost of traveling to L.A. This will cover air fare, etc.

I will require 50% up front, and you will need to provide the Audiovox cruise unit.

Fairlaner will post up and help line everyone with a day and time. If you want a install please post up, As soon as I have all deposits I will book a plane ride to the L.A..

Thanks Smitty

As a side not to this would be good if a one other person (dj_bill is leaving his) could actually leave there bike here so we could do them as time permits. (and didn't mind Smitty taking if for a little ride)

The times will be as follows.

Tuesday 1pm taylor111- 4pm Palerider. 5pm 2006Fjr for check valve

Wednesday 8am (or 7am if you can get here) Skuel - 11am LGFJR

thursday 12pm John Dumke and 4pm Fairlaner with DJ bill being the floater right now.

Friday 9am or earlier (Spridal)- 11.30am- (Silver Penguin) 2pm(duff). last of the day will be (Jbad) who will hopefully drop off Thursday

Saturday 9.30am(Beemerdon}- 12noon (Spyderbret)- 2.30pm (Gregory)

That could total as many as 11 installs which would bring the cost of the flight down for everybody.

Also I would like to say that if you have even remotely considered a cruise control then Smitty is the man for you. I had Smitty put my CC on my 05 and never once did i have a problem with it.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


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If Smitty hadn't already installed the Audiovox on my '05A back in February of 2007, I'd be on this in a heartbeat. If you've ever considered getting a cruise control installed on your FJR, Smitty's the guy to do it.

Amazon's price today on the Audiovox unit is $84.99. The Buy-It-Now prices on Ebay are running around $95.

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Hell, I'll take the CC Smitty installed off so I can have him install a new one so he can afford that horribly expensive BMW rear-end he will be needing to buy in about 2 freakin' weeks.! :rolleyes: The KoolAid runs deep and silent, Mr. Smitty! :unsure:

Seriously, I'll make the run down just to say hi! :yahoo:

count me in,heres the irony,fairlaner,can i bring you my bike early and keep it in your garagefor the install,we are going to the wifes parents for thanksgiving,guess where,f in missouri.yes smitty can ride it around.

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count me in,heres the irony,fairlaner,can i bring you my bike early and keep it in your garagefor the install,we are going to the wifes parents for thanksgiving,guess where,f in missouri.yes smitty can ride it around.

that would work out perfectly.

On your way to LAX too.


also a cool mount go to skyways web site
i already ordered that too.


Count me in for an install! This is something I have wanted to add to the FJR but I didn't want to do it myself. I have read all about Smitty's clean and professional install.

Plus it gives me an excuse to spend all day riding!!! Just let me know where to send the deposit.

Now I'm off to order the CC and mount.... :yahoo:

Edit: If I have a choice I would prefer to reserve a time on Saturday, preferably at Noon... B)

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Count me in for an install! This is something I have wanted to add to the FJR but I didn't want to do it myself. I have read all about Smitty's clean and professional install.Plus it gives me an excuse to spend all day riding!!! Just let me know where to send the deposit.

Now I'm off to order the CC and mount.... :yahoo:

Edit: If I have a choice I would prefer to reserve a time on Saturday, preferably at Noon... B)

thats yours then.


Smitty can PM you his payment Info....

also a cool mount go to skyways web site
i already ordered that too.

The Skyway mount is definitely the way to go.

When I ordered my Skyway mount back in early 2007, they came unfinished, and I had to send it to Garauld for powder-coating. Now, they come in black powder-coat directly from Skyway. They're not cheap, but are worth it.

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I am 100% in. I'll get my unit ordered (edit: unit & mount ordered) as well as the mount. :yahoo:

Oh, I'll speak for a Friday install time right now. I'll see how much "hanging out" I can do around the holiday. Not sure what else is going on yet.

Damn, I gotta stop spending money... :dribble:

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Not sure what my holiday plans are, but if I can I will come out to harass Smitty. Don't need no stinking cruise control since he already installed one. If you get enough takers, I can assist him to speed things up a bit. And no, I won't test ride them. I'll leave that to Smitty who can keep bikes 'rubber side down'. :****:

Boy Howdy, you talk about bad timing!! I was hoping to get this post onto the topic before the "NO THROTTLEMEISTER FOR YOU" Soup Nazi from Seinfeld - SkooterG jumped onto here. CRAPOLA!!! Smitty, I installed a Throttlemeister on my 2003 FJR way back in November of 2002 and cannot locate the stock pieces that I removed in order to install a Throttlemeister.

Smitty: Do you know the extra stock part numbers of pieces I will need to order to allow you to install the new cruise control?

I don't know the electronic/mechanical aspects of the Audiovox. I could ask GregM, or, get a root canal. I'm dentist bound!!!

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Boy Howdy, you talk about bad timing!! I was hoping to get this post onto the topic before the "NO THROTTLEMEISTER FOR YOU" Soup Nazi from Seinfeld - SkooterG jumped onto here. CRAPOLA!!! Smitty, I installed a Throttlemeister on my 2003 FJR way back in November of 2002 and cannot locate the stock pieces that I removed in order to install a Throttlemeister.
Smitty: Do you know the extra stock part numbers of pieces I will need to order to allow you to install the new cruise control?
You silly little dork.

You can install the Audiovox cruise control even with that P.O.S. Throttlemeister installed on your tuity-fruity ghey FJR. If you ever come to your senses, I have extra of the stock parts so you can remove that P.O.S. if you so desire. I'll even give them to you for free. All you have to do is proclaim, "SkooterG is all-knowing and powerful". :****:

Jesu Cristo, I hate this shit! A 59 year old should not have to grovel to a young punk, but here goes: "SkooterG is an all-knowing weenie and powerful shithead!" Richard: If Saturday is open at 9:30 AM, I'd like to reserve that time for my FJR.

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