West Coast Cruise festival @ Fairlaners???

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Me and my friend Richard have been talking, and looks like I may fly out to the West Coast for some installs. Here's the plan... I will be at Fairlaners on Thanksgiving day, and will fly home on Sunday. There should be time to install 8 or 9 cruise controls on your FJR's.
2 on Thursday..

3 on Friday...

3 on Saturday

1 on Sunday ?

There will be some extra cost to this install,

My fee will be $230. for labor and misc. small parts..

Also you will need to add approx. $40.-$50. (if less a refund will be given) to cover the extra cost of traveling to L.A. This will cover air fare, etc.

I will require 50% up front, and you will need to provide the Audiovox cruise unit.

Fairlaner will post up and help line everyone with a day and time. If you want a install please post up, As soon as I have all deposits I will book a plane ride to the L.A..

Thanks Smitty
Any open spots left? I'll take any one available.

Where's it at?

Me and my friend Richard have been talking, and looks like I may fly out to the West Coast for some installs. Here's the plan... I will be at Fairlaners on Thanksgiving day, and will fly home on Sunday. There should be time to install 8 or 9 cruise controls on your FJR's.
2 on Thursday..

3 on Friday...

3 on Saturday

1 on Sunday ?

There will be some extra cost to this install,

My fee will be $230. for labor and misc. small parts..

Also you will need to add approx. $40.-$50. (if less a refund will be given) to cover the extra cost of traveling to L.A. This will cover air fare, etc.

I will require 50% up front, and you will need to provide the Audiovox cruise unit.

Fairlaner will post up and help line everyone with a day and time. If you want a install please post up, As soon as I have all deposits I will book a plane ride to the L.A..

Thanks Smitty
Any open spots left? I'll take any one available.

Where's it at?
Looks like the only one available is going to be an early one on Sunday how about 7am


Well it looks like this is a hit again and we have sold all the spots (and more).

All the spots are booked and the times are posted on the first page. As soon as smitty gets payment from you guys he will book his flight.

If you did not get a PM from Smitty let him or me know and we will fix that. The people i just put on the list today will probably not get a PM until after the week end as Smitty took his wife away for the weekend.


Me and my friend Richard have been talking, and looks like I may fly out to the West Coast for some installs. Here's the plan... I will be at Fairlaners on Thanksgiving day, and will fly home on Sunday. There should be time to install 8 or 9 cruise controls on your FJR's.
2 on Thursday..

3 on Friday...

3 on Saturday

1 on Sunday ?

There will be some extra cost to this install,

My fee will be $230. for labor and misc. small parts..

Also you will need to add approx. $40.-$50. (if less a refund will be given) to cover the extra cost of traveling to L.A. This will cover air fare, etc.

I will require 50% up front, and you will need to provide the Audiovox cruise unit.

Fairlaner will post up and help line everyone with a day and time. If you want a install please post up, As soon as I have all deposits I will book a plane ride to the L.A..

Thanks Smitty
Any open spots left? I'll take any one available.

Where's it at?
Looks like the only one available is going to be an early one on Sunday how about 7am

I got no problem with that, depending on where it is. Everyone but me seems to know where you live.

Player that have paid there deposit.

Silver Penguin..


DJ Bill...


As soon as I receive deposits from everyone I will purchase my plain ticket. Also, there is one spot open for Sunday morning. I had to cancel out Palerider due to his AE model. I am very sorry about that but I won't be doing any "AE" because of the extra work involved, removing water pipe and draining coolant, possible leaks etc. Thanks everyone for the understanding, Smitty

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like i said smitty we will be crossing skypaths to each others destination,our tickets were only 850 total for 4 of us on united out of lax to kanzass city.that was round trip.

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like i said smitty we will be crossing skypaths to each others destination,our tickets were only 850 total for 4 of us on united out of lax to kanzass city.that was round trip.

Most of the cheap tickets are all gone. Since last week or so most seat are full. My ticket was almost $600. for a round trip... I guess Thanksgiving is a bad weekend to travel.. :dribble: Smitty

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Most of the cheap tickets are all gone. Since last week or so most seat are full. My ticket was almost $600. for a round trip... I guess Thanksgiving is a bad weekend to travel.. :dribble: Smitty
Yeah, Turkey Day is the best holiday to stay home... well... for everyone but YOU! :rolleyes: We WANT you to travel to our knick-o-the-woods! I got my cruise control mount tonight and put it on the bike... I had to store it SOMEWHERE!

Are you here yet? :hyper:

Are you here yet? :hyper:

Are you here yet? :hyper:

Some of you are asking what parts you need to bring yourself, well you have a choice in the bar mount, Smitty makes one (or he did) which I think looks like shit :p ;) or you could get one of these

And you also need the Audiovox cruise control (from Amazon )and thats all you need.

Anything to add Smitty?


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they look like this...bracket is on top of cruise control.


And you also need the Audiovox cruise control (from Amazon )and thats all you need.
Richard. You forgot to tell them they need to bring their FJR!

I know, I know. But I know beemerdons well. You've got to explain everything to him like he has the intelligence of a kindergartner. Which unfortunately, he has! (Barely) :p

And you also need the Audiovox cruise control (from Amazon )and thats all you need.
Richard. You forgot to tell them they need to bring their FJR!

I know, I know. But I know beemerdons well. You've got to explain everything to him like he has the intelligence of a kindergartner. Which unfortunately, he has! (Barely) :p
Greetings Richard, Thanks for your considerate assistance on this Cruise Control weekend, it is very much appreciated!

Amazingly, I'd just sent you a PM where I referenced "the little twerp" and "he's a complete wanker"; and he doth appear!!!

they look like this...bracket is on top of cruise control.
That's not where it belongs! It belongs on the bike, left handlebar to be axact, in "storage" until Thanksgiving when you fill it with another goody that makes long-haul rides SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice! :rolleyes:

Some of you are asking what parts you need to bring yourself, well you have a choice in the bar mount, Smitty makes one (or he did) which I think looks like shit :p ;) or you could get one of these
And you also need the Audiovox cruise control (from Amazon )and thats all you need.

Anything to add Smitty?

I will provide the vacuum can, check valve. The Skyway bracket is very nice and would recommend it. But if you want I will provide a simple bracket that I make for $15.00. And it is alot nicer than Fairlaner said it is. Heres a pic of it. If your not buying the Skyway, let me know so I can bring my brackets with me... Smitty



Man how did I miss out on this. If any spots open up please let me know. I would like to do this I just didnt see this thread going on. I already have the Unit.

OK, as you may have guessed by my earlier post, I got my Cruise Control mount the other day and it is on the bike "in storage" so I won't misplace it. :assassin:

Well, I just got the cruise control itself and I am wondering how much of it I could "store" on the bike... :rolleyes:

I know, probably none as I might screw something up (hence the install by Smitty) and I think you get charged extra by Smitty to "fix" things that you install incorrectly. Guess I will just have to wait. :dribble:

I thought the same thing but then I started unpacking the CC....

Totally worth the price of install!!! Definately above my head!!

Come on November!! B)
