West Virginia Ramble

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Really? We only have 7 riders so far? Is it cool if I make a post up on st.net about the Ramble? Bet we'd have takers!


Yep, I already posted to STN, after much delay due to various issues (some computer related, some my own laziness to fix it). See "who's staying until Friday" thread. By all means, make yourself known there that you will attend, I think it would be fun to have others come.

You still bringing a coupla friends?

I do expect a few more to trickle in as it's often hard to commit until last minute.

Well, off to the Smokies tomorrow to slay the dragon :2handed_rune:


I posted to st.net, also. Didn't see your thread... but will look for it.

And yes on the friends... at the very least one friend is coming w/ me... probably more but don't know for sure, yet. Gerry Rowan, who is riding out w/ us may be joining in on his Hayabusa. I've rode w/ him b4. He's not a squid... but I do get the impression that he's fast & I expect him to be out front.

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I just noticed on my calendar that the ramble is on Father's Day weekend. That could keep some folks home.

I just noticed on my calendar that the ramble is on Father's Day weekend. That could keep some folks home.


Been planned for months...Damn the torpedoes! FULL STEAM AHEAD! :D

Besides, this is my kids father's day present to me. We will get all caught up when I get home so I can receive the presents mother bought on their behalf... :D :D

I was wondering what weekend Father's Day was. Guess I better call my dad b4 I leave on the preceding Wednesday... tell him my a$$ will be out riding in the mountains so I'm calling 1/2 a week ahead of time.

My daughter wants to come see West Virginia if she can get the days off from work. She rides an SV650S. She's probably a little slower than the average FJR rider. OK if she joins us?

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Can you give me any details on what you have planned for the weekend? I just saw this thread and thinking about trying to get a few vacation days and join you folks. I should have my new 06 FJR all farkled by that time. :yahoo:

Rick M

My daughter wants to come see West Virginia if she can get the days off from work. She rides an SV650S. She's probably a little slower than the average FJR rider. OK if she joins us?
It shouldn't be a problem, It's not FJR Exculsive,

SV650S is a sweet bike, light and lots of torque , I had one before the FJR.

In the mountains I'd probably be faster on a SV than an FJR.

The rule is as always ride within your limits not someone else's, but with a mainly FJR \ ST.N crowd there are going to be lot less squids since we have all out grown that kind of behavior :D

My daughter wants to come see West Virginia if she can get the days off from work. She rides an SV650S. She's probably a little slower than the average FJR rider. OK if she joins us?

By all means... tell her to c'mon... also, be sure to tell her that it's very inappropriate to ride over an individual's skill level.... & not to try to do so... Nobody's gonna' leave her, etc.

I'll be at the ST.N meet as well.
Can't miss me either..I wear the hi-viz aerostitch suite on an '03, Ohio plate MYFJR

You won't miss me either. Yamaholic.

My plate says the same thing...only from NJ!

Right underneath is Calvin pissin' on the BMW logo. Can't miss it.

I'll see how it goes to meet up with you guys for this ramble. I've already planned to head to OH from the ST.N meet on Thursday. Maybe I could get away and backtrack to you guys.



Can you give me any details on what you have planned for the weekend? I just saw this thread and thinking about trying to get a few vacation days and join you folks. I should have my new 06 FJR all farkled by that time. :yahoo:

Rick M
Sure thing. Ride, eat, drink beer, sleep, repeat.

I purposely am not publishing a route as I don't want to repeat too much of the STN ride for those attending both, which looks to be a fair number. Also, once we're all in attendance, we can get a feel for how many miles we want to go, but plan on 250 or more of backroad riding.

Friday is not really planned. We'll probably get a late start from STN, meander across central and W. WVA, then back central to the host hotel in Bridgeport for dinner. This is an open day, so come to the Canaan Valley Resort to meet the STN crowd in the am to join if you wish.

Saturday we'll get a fairly early start, grab breakfast go East across the mountains on some roads you'll swear were made for the sport of motorcycling. Lunch in Seneca Rocks. Try to ride 300ish miles, which is a lot for backroads and with a group. Try to be back for dinner by 6:30 (will shoot for 5, but you know how that goes!) Along the way we'll cross a few Nat'l forests, probably peak into G. Washington Nat'l in VA.

Sunday we'll pretty much do a huge circle around the North/east/central portion of the state. I figure some folks will bail to leave for their homes along portions of this ride, especially those who came from STN. How far we ride is up to the group. Luckily the marked roads in WVA are quite good (scenery and pavement wise), so we can dynamically adjust our route depending on how iron our butts are. Dinner near hotel.

I'm staying Sunday night to get a full day in. That and I'll be too pooped to haul ass back to Columbus.

Pace will be casual and safe. Normal group riding rules remain..check your ego at the door, be safe, yet have fun.

Plan on 7 hours of saddle time a day. Should be a good group!!

The time is growing close folks! Still don't know about the possible joiner w/ the Hayabusa. Anyhow, looking so forward to this run & meeting other Feej enthusiasts.


Trying to convince another rider to come along. He rides a FZ1. But looking to add a FJR to his garage. Told him that this would be a good place to ask a couple of questions and watch the bike perform.

Time is growing close my future friends. I may have possibly talked another FJR rider (Ridgerunner) into joining us. He can't afford the time off of work for the National but may be able to swing the Ramble.

Also, this is one more reminder to the future inhabitants of my virtual scrapbook... PLEASE BE ANIMATED!

Will be seeing everyone next weekend. All, please keep the shiny parts up & be safe.


Time is growing close my future friends... PLEASE BE ANIMATED!...Heidi
People are leaving for this weeks events soon...I am leaving Sat. am.

I will be myself...don't know if I will be animated...or cartoonish! :D

I'm actually a very quiet guy :p I just happen to like my FJR...and her 145 horses B)

Just finished packing, well round 1 at least, still have way to much stuff.

Round 2 tomorrow, then I'm out on the road sunrise Friday.

Heidi, Mark might be quiet but he has this thing about trunk monkeys, I haven't gotton to the bottom of that yet but I might have by Wednesday.

I'll bring my FJR hat, then you'll have no trouble finding us.


Looking forward to meeting you all. I will not be at the ST.N. gathering but will meet you in WV. Looks like my daughter will be with me. See you there.
