
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sep 7, 2008
Reaction score
Visalia, California
Been browsing the site for a while and have seen all the WFO's, NAFO's etc. I must be looking in the wrong places trying to find information about them, WFO in particular. Is there an actual organization (membership, dues, etc.) or is it just a yearly get-together type thing. Would appreciate a bit of explanation here.

Yes, I Googled it, but I didn't find a specific answer. Thanks!

Western FJR Owner's gatherings are annual events. NAFO was this year's annual event, and regional as well, (and already done with). Go back to the entry part of the forum, then scroll down to "FJR Meetings" Under that heading you will see separate headings for different events, some already past, others upcoming. Watch that area for future event info.

Ok, some more - There are no dues for WFO events, it's not a club, just an event. Links will be posted for hotel info and costs of rooms, group discount rates, etc. There will be info on the cost for the event to cover the organization costs and swag, etc, and often the costs of the banquet(s) will also be laid out so you can decide how much you want to do, if you want to stay at the event hotel, if you're going to one or more dinners and want shirts, (if offered), etc.

Hope that helps.

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Possible NW meeting since it's been a while for the West coasters . . . . . .Doubt it'll be in Arizona ever !(Hey buddy can you spare me some shade?)

The pictures look great FNG. Looks like you guys had a real hoot (and I don't mean Honda either!). Thanks for the help and the explanation guys. And what's wrong with Arizona?

Nothing ! I love it ! But getting the powers to be to love it may be a bit more difficult. A lot of people can't stand the heat I've heard tell. . .

Well, I'll put in my vote. I love Arizona. And as for heat, I've been riding in 100-105 degree heat all summer here in central California. I use one of those vests you soak with water and then wear under your jacket--evaporative cooling works great and can keep you up to 30 degrees cooler. Never had a problem with heat, just make sure I stay well-hydrated.

Well, I'll put in my vote. I love Arizona. And as for heat, I've been riding in 100-105 degree heat all summer here in central California. I use one of those vests you soak with water and then wear under your jacket--evaporative cooling works great and can keep you up to 30 degrees cooler. Never had a problem with heat, just make sure I stay well-hydrated.
Water? You're supposed to soak it with WATER. :blush: :huh: Hmm, that might explain the smell.....

Here are some pics from WFO6 in Park City last year
WFO6 Images
Somebody ruined all the pictures by putting "Copyrighted Image" and a big "X" on them. :rolleyes: Anyway, I didn't see one of me. :angry2:

Any photographer can and should protect their work...if that is their source of protect their income/property.
