What a Bike and what a run

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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New member
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Marathon, FL
Just got back to the Fl Keys . I took my new FJR, LU-LU to Seattle WA. Went to southern NM to catch up with my brother. WE rode to Roswell to see the UFO museum, then on to pay our respects to Billy the Kid in Fort Sumner. Traveled north into Colorado,Utah,Idaho, Oregon, then Washington Went thru the Mount Rainer Natl Park. At the pass there is still snow up there. I live in in a no snow zone so it was something new. Stayed in Seattle a few days. Started our way back thur Montana. My brother lives in AZ.So we split ways .He went thru Utah and home. I found my way thru Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,Tennessee,Mississippi, Alabama,and back to Florida. This is the best bike ever. Keysrunner

Lotta miles on that run....you may have to go back to seattle to pick up what's left of your ass.

Since your new to the forum I'll give you a little leeway. but if you post a travel like that ...


My bad...forgot to look at your handle. Can you run me a couple of keys to texas? I'll make it worth your while.

My bad...forgot to look at your handle. Can you run me a couple of keys to texas? I'll make it worth your while.
Wouldn't it be cheaper to go to Wally-world and have some keys made? I'm pretty sure they do that in the auto section.

Sweet ride. :)

I am heading out to CO from CT to meet a friend next month.

I am very much looking forward to the trip.

Man, what a TRIP!

Maybe your butt didn't turn to iron, yet, but

it must feel at least like lead by now.

welcome back to the heat and humidity! :blink:

I just got back from the Fl Keys. Went from Ft Worth to Maryland for work a couple of weeks and then to the Outer Banks of NC then to the Keys. Did some diving down there. Great trip. Just over 5200 miles. Have not had pics developed yet.

