What a nice year it's been...

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I'd LOVE to go for a ride, but the back tire is toast, haven't mounted the new Michelin car tire, and THIS is headed my way:
*Radar image of really nasty weather system that scares south Floridian old people*

That summbitch is 350 miles wide!!! :dribble: :blink:
Guess what I rode through this morning to get to work?!?!??!?!?

Oh, yeah, it was already here when I went home from work yesterday!!!!! :p :p

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I'd LOVE to go for a ride, but the back tire is toast, haven't mounted the new Michelin car tire, and THIS is headed my way:
*Radar image of really nasty weather system that scares southern Floridian old people*

That summbitch is 350 miles wide!!! :dribble: :blink:
Guess what I rode through this morning to get to work?!?!??!?!?
Y'know, I WAS thinkin' about ya! Be safe......

i dunno about you all, but I love reading the caption under MEM's avatar and then looking up at the pic...
"Do, or do not"

kinda makes ya go "hhhhmmmmmm", don't it?
:lol: Fixed it. I've always wanted to be a Spice Girl. But, I dunno..... I kind of like the "Do or do not. There is no try" philosophy :p

I'd LOVE to go for a ride, but the back tire is toast, haven't mounted the new Michelin car tire, and THIS is headed my way:
*Radar image of really nasty weather system that scares southern Floridian old people*

That summbitch is 350 miles wide!!! :dribble: :blink:
Guess what I rode through this morning to get to work?!?!??!?!?
Y'know, I WAS thinkin' about ya! Be safe......

I'd LOVE to go for a ride, but the back tire is toast, haven't mounted the new Michelin car tire, and THIS is headed my way:
*Radar image of really nasty weather system that scares south Floridian old people*

That summbitch is 350 miles wide!!! :dribble: :blink:
Guess what I rode through this morning to get to work?!?!??!?!?

Oh, yeah, it was already here when I went home from work yesterday!!!!! :p :p
To Walter & Steve down there in Fla: quit yer whining!

Monday, I woke-up to see a nice festive-looking 1/2" thick coating of heavy wet snow covering the scoot. This afternoon was the first opportunity to ride on dry (safe) roads and I just got back in from putting my toys in winter storage... sniff. Now I just gotta wait til april to go for my next ride. But I'm not bitter or anything.

Monday, I woke-up to see a nice festive-looking 1/2" thick coating of heavy wet snow covering the scoot. This afternoon was the first opportunity to ride on dry (safe) roads and I just got back in from putting my toys in winter storage... sniff. Now I just gotta wait til april to go for my next ride. But I'm not bitter or anything.
"Bitter, party of two...your table is ready. Bitter, party of two....."


Time to get out the decorations already?

Merry Xmas Mike, to you and yours, and to all the rest of you bastards.

We are waiting here for the chance of our first snow tonight, so I guess I should go find all my winter gear.

A guy at work today asked if they made snow tires for motorcycles. I said sure , they call them "knobbies" however..........


Time to get out the decorations already?
Merry Xmas Mike, to you and yours, and to all the rest of you bastards.

We are waiting here for the chance of our first snow tonight, so I guess I should go find all my winter gear.

A guy at work today asked if they made snow tires for motorcycles. I said sure , they call them "knobbies" however..........


Better turn down the heater on the hot tub, Eric...

and it ain't Xmas...it's Christmas

<is Iggy monitoring now?>

Better turn down the heater on the hot tub, Eric...

and it ain't Xmas...it's Christmas

<is Iggy monitoring now?>

Well I of course meant "bastards" in a loving and caring way.

And I kind of like Jesusmass , as I never understood where the word "Christ" came from. (other than hearing my dad mummble it in response to my mothers verbal assalts.) I think more folks need to remember that the holiday has to do with Jesus.... but please, I don't want to get into religous discussion.

Xmas does sound like someting Wolverine , Strorm , and all celebrate, so sorry.

