What color of FJR is slowest?

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You guys have forgotten one thing.

It's more fun to ride a slow bike fast,

then ride a fast bike slow!



RB ;)

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When I first started this post, I was expecting my 2006 FJR to be here in July. Well my 2006 Cobalt Blue is speeding up and it will be here in May. I can hardly wait.

I am waiting for the first ride reports and of course pics to come in on the 2006. I haven't really thought about accessories other than I may have to put risers and a cruise control on it. It sucks to be 52 and short-armed.

98% of my riding is solo, so I think I made a wise choice over a new Goldwing. And I saved a bunch in the monthly payments to the Credit Union.


Ya all need a hobby  :p
Besides the FJR that is.
B-b-b-b-but Roger, one of my hobbies is stirring mud, and what better place than here?

'Sides, y'all gots wun uh them reely reely fast Red '03s, so noe whun is gunna mess with ya.

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Mine's a lovely deep maroon colour. Don't you guys have that in the States?





Mine's a lovely deep maroon colour. Don't you guys have that in the States?
Uh, no, Mr. Smarty-pants! :D We, in the colonies, are suppose to be thrilled that the bike was even brought here by Mama Yamaha. We get a different color every year (except for our '06).

Our '03 (your '02) was silver

Our '04 (your '03) was "Cerulean Silver"--a light slate gray

Out '05 (your '04) was blue

For '06, the North American bikes are supposed to be aligned with the rest of the world, however, we only get 2 colors. The "A" model will be blue, the "AE (electric clutch) will be Cerulean Silver.

A couple of owners have painted their bikes Red (which might be your Maroon) and we are jealous of your color choice. Plus, you can go to your dealer and buy an FJR, we must order one on the Prepaid Delivery Program (PDP) and wait.

Go ahead, rub it in! :dribble:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Roger. You know I was joking with him! ;) Go ahead, sidle up to him....once a Brit, always a Brit...and I thought Deb had 'Mericanized you by now. :D Next thing you know, we'll find out he's from Liverpool, then we'll never hear the end of this. :rolleyes:

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KillBoyz has a picture of a blue FJR that ran off the side of the road on the Dragon recently. Maybe blue is not the most maneuverable; but it is the fastest. B)

I caught Cerulean once. It really itched alot, but with medication, cleared right up.

Who cares what colour is slowest. They are all slower than black:


even if here downunder in Aussie we ride like this (there's no denying it, those BT014's sure stick in thej twisties):


And regards the previous discussion on energy absorbed etc - well, black has it again:


Yup, Test Pilot is correct. That black sucks up photons like crazy!

But, you must have some advantage if you have to ride upside down all the time.


TWN, you don't recognize the pictures and the humor? Hi David, good to see you posting. Uhm, just what magnets do you Southern Hemishere guys have to use to keep your bikes from falling off?

Yep, that (this) is me. Sort of remained a bit anonymous for a short while, but you'll spot my tyre tracks around here from time to time.

Gotta admit that those BT014's really DO stick to the road B)

Answer: 2006 Cobalt Blue
Like everyone else, will it ever get here?

I am new to this forum, but have been following it for a while. I have a 2006 FJR1300A on order. I ordered it January 4th, so it will probably be summer before it gets here. I am hoping it will be worth the wait.

I am coming off a GL1800 and sold it last year. I was thinking about another Wing, but $22K for the 2006 ABS Model, no way! I also wanted something a little lighter and I have always liked the FJR. With the new improvements, I am giving it a try. 

Mike-Spokane, Wa.
I'm betting you'll be happy with the difference. Do you ride 2up? If so, I know the pillions like having the topcase, or a backrest so they don't fly off the back :punk:
Speaking from experience as the pillion of OrangevaleFJR - YES - having the backrest and/or topcase definitely adds a feeling of security than if they weren't there. Especially when he's lane splitting and has to take off really fast when the light changes and "accidentally" brings the front tire off the ground! But I never actually notice the tire coming off the road until he asks me though, really. It's just such a fun bike.

Hope you get your 2006 sooner than you expect.

Sorry, folks, but the 06's are slower--they weigh in at 30 lbs more. That explains Yamaha making the new bike Cerulean Silver--to try to reduce some of the slowness that 30 lbs introduced by using the quickest color.

As for the clutchless bike which is even heavier, they realized even using C-Silver wouldn't be enough, so they might just as well use another color....and since Liquid Silver and C-Silver are too close, that left only Galaxy Blue--a great color if you can't get Cerulean Silver!

Then again, I have NO idea why Yamaha are such assholes about bike colors--and always have been. I had a 91 Venture--it was burgundy and I got it new. I could have gotten a blue 92 that was absolutely identical but for the color and the price--another $600. Both new, both mechanically identical.

In the UK, the FZ1 has been sold in burgundy--and it's gorgeous--nothing like that hit the US. Go figure.

Hey Yanktar, you suppose mamayama's gonna put that little sticker on the gas tank, up by the fill spout again this year for the 06's like they did last year for the 05's warning owners to pull over and get out of the way for 04 cerulean's? you know, the sticker that says "04's in mirror are faster than they appear, yield ROW"
