What color of FJR is slowest?

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Hey Yanktar, you suppose mamayama's gonna put that little sticker on the gas tank, up by the fill spout again this year for the 06's like they did last year for the 05's warning owners to pull over and get out of the way for 04 cerulean's? you know, the sticker that says "04's in mirror are faster than they appear, yield ROW"
Funny, my '05 sticker said: "People that bought the 03 and 04 are probably older than you and therefore don't respect life as much and they might try to run you down even though they cannot catch you since you have the fastest bike based on the Galaxy Blue which has to be fast, or it couldn't be used for galactic travel but don't tell the other owners this as it might hurt their feelings prompting them to, under impulse, but another FJR even though they don't really have to as the difference is only known to those that read this sticker."

Really...it said that...I think that is an exact quote. I took it off and burned it.

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Hey Yanktar, you suppose mamayama's gonna put that little sticker on the gas tank, up by the fill spout again this year for the 06's like they did last year for the 05's warning owners to pull over and get out of the way for 04 cerulean's? you know, the sticker that says "04's in mirror are faster than they appear, yield ROW"
Funny, my '05 sticker said: "People that bought the 03 and 04 are probably older than you and therefore don't respect life as much and they might try to run you down even though they can catch you since you have the fastest bike based on the Galaxy Blue which has to be fast, or it couldn't be used for galactic travel but don't tell the other owners this as it might hurt their feelings prompting them to, under impulse, but another FJR even though they don't really have to as the difference is only known to those that read this sticker."

Really...it said that...I think that is an exact quote. I took it off and burned it.
I'll bet by the time you read that whole thing all the way through, 6 '04s and 4 '03s caught up with and passed you--and by the time you looked up again their tail lights were shrinking 'way, 'way in front of you! :haha:

This may just be an urban legend but I've heard the slowest color FJR's are the one's you don't personally own. ;)

The slowest colors are obviously the '06's. Look how long it is taking them to get here.
