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I just upgraded to Captain at my regional airline. I can't hold a decent line yet so much of my time is spent sitting on reserve waiting for the phone to ring. It's not too bad though, as long as I can be at the airport within two hours I can pretty much do as I please...except sit at the bar and drink.
With eye candy like you have posted? Sitting in a bar and drinking is not what I would have in mind!

I make my farkle money and a good bit more by putting my life on the line...... I have been a poice officer for 10 years and took tours to two war zones as a moderatly well paid Police trainer. Currently in Afghanistan, I just graduated a class of 50 students and i am in the process of inducting 50 more. I've got 40 more days till I head back to the states to work the mean streets of upstate sc. :dribble: I married a wonderful woman who is a veteranarian and doesn't want kids :yahoo: So, after the house payment, my check is all mine to spend as I wish. Even with the miniscule checks I bring in at the Sheriff's Dept, I still can afford a few toys each year.

I see we are both in the same area, you work for Greenville or Pickens County? I worked for a Greenville county fire department, Donaldson, for 10 years before moving to a different profession. I have 2 sons in the Army, one just left Afghanistan and the other is in Iraq for his second tour. I'm in northern Greenville county, take care of yourself and maybe we will meet in the future.

Yeah, I live about 20 miles north of the airport, it's a pretty nice area. However if you really want some nice scenery you need to go about 75 miles north through the Blue Ridge.
