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When I had a job, I could afford stuff. Now I have no

job, and can't afford stuff no more. That's why my bike

is for sale.

I don't really have a job either.

I get to jack with people all day.

You know thinks like disable computer/user accounts, security groups, break network segments and see how long it is before they call the helpdesk.

And I get a nice hefty salary just to screw with people all frickin day. You know just like Iggy.

No, I really don't do all of that. But, I sure as hell feel like it sometimes.

I'm a systems admin, SAP BASIS Admin and ABAP Developer among other crap.

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I'm in sales. You know, write your own paycheck? I don't have a ton of farkles on my bike because I have other expensive hobbies; shooting, bass playing and children. But if you're thrifty you can sometimes find what you want/need in other arenas. Also if you're frugal, you can make some of the things you may want for your bike. I really wanted a bigger rack on the back of my old Concourse but couldn't justify the $100 part, so I built a wood one that worked great. My neighbor dropped $600 for PIAA lights for his K1200RS, and I just knew I had to have some for my bike. And $20 later, I did! I found some that were on sale at the local parts store, not PIAA but were just as bright.

Seems like people on here are constantly adding farkles with endless amounts of income. Do you have to sacrifice other things or is your job paying that well? I'm a high school teacher and although I may not be able to add farkle after farkle, I do get 2 months off to ride any time I want. :yahoo:

I change the oil myself on the FJR, plus put in new plugs myself. I installed new bar end weights and I have a Russel Day Long saddle all leather. That's the extent of farkles. If I had to take my bike to the dealer for oil changes I would have a hard time affording the bike. THe seat I put on credit and I don't want any more revolving credit building up with this bike. So it is hard I know. Plus I make about $45,000 a yr. It's never enough so I do without farkles. Soon I will have to put a new rear tire Road Pilot. That's $200 installed ,which sucks.

I'm not big on farkling. I almost always buy an aftermarket seat from Corbin or Sargent, but other than that, I try to stay stock as much as possible. One of the lessons of motorcycle life is that farkles add no value when you go to trade, and virtually no value to savvy buyers when you go to sell outright. I trade and/or sell stuff pretty frequently. Part of my hobby is changing bikes. I average about 1000 miles/month most years, but its always spread out over a bunch of bikes. The FJR AE may turn out to be the exception since I came to it because of shifter foot problems. Its a very nice bike, and since the paddle shifter is unique, it is moving in the direction of a favorite. Since I bought it in June, it has been the dominant ride in my garage.

The other thing I'm agin' besides farkles is debt. Don't borrow money, either for the bike, or for prepaid service, or for extended service agreements, or for farkles, etc. etc. etc. Stick to what you can afford to pay for as you go. That way, if you do lose your job, at least if you sell your stuff, its because you decided to rather than because someone came and got it. YMMV, but if I had one bit to share in general, it would be tune your lifestyle to your actual cashflow.

The other thing I'm agin' besides farkles is debt. Don't borrow money, either for the bike, or for prepaid service, or for extended service agreements, or for farkles, etc. etc. etc. Stick to what you can afford to pay for as you go. That way, if you do lose your job, at least if you sell your stuff, its because you decided to rather than because someone came and got it. YMMV, but if I had one bit to share in general, it would be tune your lifestyle to your actual cashflow.
At the risk of severe thread drift, and introducing a touch of a philosophical interlude, why not?

What I mean is, why not borrow out the ass to get the things that you want today? Do you have any guarantee that I'll be around tomorrow to reap all of those frugal rewards?

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I play with phones. I make them break :) I also tell my manager when it's ok to give the software to the general public and when it's not.

I'm in Quality Assurance at BMW manufacturing. My kids are all out and on their own and my house is paid off, so I buy toys and take exotic vacations when time allows. My wife does well and buys what she wants with her income. I'm looking forward to retirement, still many years away, to get out of the hectic daily rat race. Speaking of saving all your money for retirement, someone I know did that and his wife died just before retirement. Saving all your life and going without so you can have a million dollar funeral. Spend what you want within reason and enjoy yourself now, tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.

The other thing I'm agin' besides farkles is debt. Don't borrow money, either for the bike, or for prepaid service, or for extended service agreements, or for farkles, etc. etc. etc. Stick to what you can afford to pay for as you go. That way, if you do lose your job, at least if you sell your stuff, its because you decided to rather than because someone came and got it. YMMV, but if I had one bit to share in general, it would be tune your lifestyle to your actual cashflow.
At the risk of severe thread drift, and introducing a touch of a philosophical interlude, why not?

What I mean is, why not borrow out the ass to get the things that you want today? Do you have any guarantee that I'll be around tomorrow to reap all of those frugal rewards?
I think that's what the folks in DC have been doing. Are you one of them Honorable fellas?

There are no guarantees in life or death.... you could "borrow out the ass" and then luck out and die before having to pay for it.... :crazy:

I make my farkle money and a good bit more by putting my life on the line...... I have been a poice officer for 10 years and took tours to two war zones as a moderatly well paid Police trainer. Currently in Afghanistan, I just graduated a class of 50 students and i am in the process of inducting 50 more. I've got 40 more days till I head back to the states to work the mean streets of upstate sc. :dribble: I married a wonderful woman who is a veteranarian and doesn't want kids :yahoo: So, after the house payment, my check is all mine to spend as I wish. Even with the miniscule checks I bring in at the Sheriff's Dept, I still can afford a few toys each year.

On 2nd career now. Spent 10 years as an A&P mechanic (Aviation), where the last several years I spent teaching mechanics to work on Piper Malibu's and Mirages'. Aviation mechanics just don't pay the bills. My 2nd carreer is in Public Education Although I work with Alternative, At Risk, Inner City, Low Income, gang banger teens, I nearly doubled my income from what I made as a mechanic with 10 years experience. I don't make a killin as a teacher, but I get my summers and all vacations off...with pay. This allows me to teachthe Motorcycle Safety Program through the summer to pay for my farkles; and ride.

I'm all about the 10 finger discount. And I scavenge Harley parts that have vibrated off and end up on the side of the road.

I just upgraded to Captain at my regional airline. I can't hold a decent line yet so much of my time is spent sitting on reserve waiting for the phone to ring. It's not too bad though, as long as I can be at the airport within two hours I can pretty much do as I please...except sit at the bar and drink.

this tread should be about harley farkles come on think about it you really can not go out and spend a ton of cash on a fjr
