Masturbating while riding?? Does Iggy know this? :blink:it is not legal in WA , but it is totally ignored.
Masturbating while riding?? Does Iggy know this? :blink:it is not legal in WA , but it is totally ignored.
Same here ex.... but I'mwiseold enough now to almost never use my middle finger anymore, no matter what they do...
Oh, don't I wish! I want to carry a paintball gun to mark the idiots on the road,
[technicality]Yup... ride as if you're invisible and everyone's out to kill ya!
The article doesn't say that cell phone use will be illegal. Only hand held devices. And phone use with a hands free device said to still be legal.WOOHOO!! Talk about good timing!!https://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandg...22/9205106.html
It's now illegal to use a cell phone in Ontario! About damn time!!
Masturbating while riding?? Does Iggy know this? :blink:it is not legal in WA , but it is totally ignored.
And quicker than some phone calls :blink:Masturbating while riding?? Does Iggy know this? :blink:it is not legal in WA , but it is totally ignored.
I think that is legal still , but it is better to have a passenger assist. Heck, they still drive better I suspect jerking off.
Great, now we will have bikers riding around with their blinkers on full time!so, where do they advertise that "special" stich gear ???Whew! I thought I was the ONLY one. :good:Don't forget masturbating.
or maybe THIS will become your friend