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10 - one-gram weights in a single box/package, giving you a total of:

10 grams weight in one-gram (each wheel-weight) increments.

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Nah -- he ain't gonna tell us. He was on the thread a few minutes ago and apparently signed off without giving up an answer. Worse than a woman! Put him on ignore, I say. :lol:

Sorry, I wasn't on my computer since this morning, but yes I got 1 wheel weight.

I sent them an e-mail, and they responded.

Hi Alex,

They do come in packs of ten. But you only purchased one (1). If you want more feel free to order more.



So I called them, and they reaffirmed that this is the price of each wheel weight.

Never having bought wheel weights before, I can understand that this might be awful cheap for 10, but pointed out that their website indicated that the price was for a package of 10. No way would I spend $35+ for 10 wheel weights though.

They seemed oblivious to this, so I suggested that they change their description on the website and left it at that. They didn't offer any remedy, and it seemed pointless to press the issue any further given their response.

They didn't say it, but their attitude was kind of like no way would this be considered a quantity of 10.

I still don't know how much they should cost, but now I know where not to buy wheel weights.

...They seemed oblivious to this, so I suggested that they change their description on the website and left it at that. They didn't offer any remedy, and it seemed pointless to press the issue any further given their response...
You should send them a link to this thread...so they can see that, given the varied responses they got from the highly educated and experienced motorcyclists such as ourselves, their advertisement is unclear and misleading.

FWIW, I bought these same weights locally for 1.99 each, so including LA County ransom, I got 5 for 11.00.

I sent Derby Cycles an email stating that I couldn't continue to do busiuness with them if they continue to have misleading advertising and included a link to this thread.

They responded saying they were sorry they did not meet my expectations and that 10 wheel weights for $3.56 was a great deal. They don't even get it.

I again responded saying you only get 1 not 10 and that is the problem.

They did not respond.

If you paid with a credit card, contest the charge. Even if you end up paying, it's such a pain for them that you will have the last laugh.

And thanks for the heads-up. Hope nobody here shops there again.


Noticed they got cheaper as the weight goes up. If they are only going to sell you one why bother with "comes in packs of ten " ?

Their response puts Derby Cycle on my list of vendors to avoid. Its pretty short at just the one..

If you paid with a credit card, contest the charge. Even if you end up paying, it's such a pain for them that you will have the last laugh.
And thanks for the heads-up. Hope nobody here shops there again.


I bought tires from them and got a really good deal. Of course their weren't any problems so things went fine. But this is the same place that has 2 web sites. Derbycycles.net and .com. And for the tires, they were way cheaper on the .net site than the .com so what the heck is that all about?

They are starting to look like a magic act. While you are looking at one hand they are doing something unexpected with the other.

Yup, definately not a place I'll be shopping at again. I ordered my weights from them the day before this thread popped up so I have been rather expecting to find a package on my door with a single weights in it. They did not disappoint as Saturday my three single weights arrived. Just for fun I called them today to inquire as to the error in their on-line listing. I barely got the words wheel weights out of my mouth and they got BIG TIME defensive. It got worse when I mentioned they were for an FJR. Wow, they sure don't think much of us FJR guys and he went on to do everything just short of calling me a complete dumbass for not being able to figure out you can't buy 10 weights for that kind of price. I took the time to explain to him that I've been a GM Parts manager for over 30 years and have had an internet site for the last 9 years and if my online catalog was as screwed up as his is, I would spend more time defending my catalog than I did selling parts. That only made things worse as he continued to blame ME for not being psychic enough to be able to "interpret" his catalog, especially seeing as I am "supposedly" a professional. Explaining to him that even if un-intentional it could seem as a bit of of "bait and switch" and just like brick and mortar stores getting a reputation for mis-leading business practices will eventually have an negative effect on his business, he went back to putting the blame on me for not being savey enough to know you can't buy the weights that cheap. Apparently he thinks everyone who shops with him knows as much about his business as he does. Good luck and good riddance as far as I'm concerned.
