What happened to jburleigh

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
I know the Inet is dynamic. They come, they go.. but I did enjoy the posts by jburleigh. Anyone know why he's not positing or what forum he may now be using?

He does live in my area and though I have never met him if I do meet up with him I will tell him he is missed at the board. Hard to miss another FJR. There was some significant responses to the knee puck dragging thread. lol. PM. <>< :D

Yeah, I don't think it was TWN head-butting, it was probably a combo of things. He was a prolific poster the 3 weeks he was active here, but his member stats says he hasn't visited the forum since Oct 6.

I recall that the FJR was his second bike, coming off a Hardly Sportster. :blink: He crashed his FJR, posted about it on YouTube (IIRC), and then there was a rash of safety-oriented postings - Snell-rated helmets, wheeling a FJR, Taking a CLASS school, etc, etc. Then nothing after Oct 6.

Hope the dude is alright, and nothing has happened to him.... :(

"They like me! They really like me!"

Thank you for your kind words and expressions of concern. I am alive and well, thank you, and after closing my account have re-upped for another go-round. But I believe I may stay away from discussions about knee pucks in future, as they seem to cause a thread to degenerate from cocktail party-like civility to--a hatchet fight? :blink:

I'm still commuting every day, rain or shine. And as Painman knows, we've had some rain around the Bay Area lately. It's that time of year when one embraces (I wish I could literally) the famous heat of the FJR, and the Widder vest and gloves come out. And also the time of year when one recalls with a "damnit" upon getting to work with no change of clothes that, "Oh yeah, Aerostitches leak around the crotch." And you regret that you chose to wear the beige and not the dark blue Dockers. :eek:

In October I did the Pridmore track school at Infineon, and I don't recommend Pridmore's school (I'm going to look for that thread on track schools to say more about it).

Painman, we may go riding tomorrow, Sunday the 17th. You in?

Here's my latest Youtube video:

I Get Around...

Thanks again, and see you around,


Welcome back, and nice vid, not the usual Kal Dept of Tourism replay. And I so wish Mn would open up lane splitting.

Welcome back, and nice vid, not the usual Kal Dept of Tourism replay. And I so wish Mn would open up lane splitting.

Vat arh you taukink about?! You vil enjoy das pwitty videos orh Ah vil terhmahnate you! Ya?



Oh, and welcome back Jimmy. I've mellowed during your absence so I'm a kinder, gentler sort of fellow now. Not gay mind you, just more metro.

(I keed! I keed! :grin: )

Welcome back...
From a fellow responsible lane-sharer.
"They like me! They really like me!"
...In October I did the Pridmore track school at Infineon, and I don't recommend Pridmore's school (I'm going to look for that thread on track schools to say more about it).

See if you can find a Lee Parks class... you may like that.

+1 on welcome back.
