What other bike did you have right before the FJR?

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What type of rider would you self-identify yourself as primarily today?

  • ADV or dual sport rider

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Previous bike: Trophy (partly why I call myself what I do).

(click on image for larger view)

Obviously the selections should be tick boxes*. I used it for commuting, touring, shopping, cruising (well, travelling slowly to admire the scenery), and as therapy.

Changed to my first FJR because I could no longer use a clutch lever, and Yamaha brought out the YCC-S variant at exactly the right time for me.

I've used my FJR (whichever was current) for commuting (until I fully retired), touring, shopping, cruising (well, travelling slowly to admire the scenery), and as therapy. Perhaps a little bit more sporty stuff, if you count enjoying myself on interesting roads as "sporty touring", though I am not normally a peg scraper.

* Presumably we "(intentionly) only get one choice to each question" so that we give long, drawn-out explanations of our answers, so that's what you've got :) .

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I rode Lucy! She was my little vivacious red head... a 98' BMW F650 Great bike, just real real slow...

I self identify as a Motorcyclist, but my preference is the Sport Touring genre as evidenced by odo miliage. Yesterday I rode a Sportbike around the Suches loop, then worked on a Sport-Tourer when I returned home.

Today the missus and I rode a Cruiser to Blairsville and the Richard Russell, where we waved two FJR's around. Tomorrow, we'll take the Tourer (FJR) to Tellico and the Cherohala. Have not been able to shed a street bike since '81.

2004 Yamaha Road Star Warrior with Memphis Shades Batwing Fairing, Tsukayu Hard Bags, Custom seat and Rear Fender Rack, Floor boards. I put 28,000 miles on the old girl, 3.5 gallons per tank!
Plain Jane progression for me.. 2001 Suzuki Bandit 600, to 2005 FZ6, to 2006 FZ1 to 2009 FJR.

And this is why I got the FJR (got tired of trying new luggage ideas)

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Yamaha 1979 XS1100, 1985 FJ1100, 2006 FJR1300, 2006 FJR1300 and now a 2010 FJR1300.

Of course I had a bunch of backup bikes during this time.
And my favorite before the FJR was:


125 hp/ 560 lbs/ 6.3 gal/ chain drive/ fun

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I had a Honda VTX1800R that I traded in on my FJR. Before that, I had two Kawasaki Vulcan 750s, a Honda V45 Magnum and a Honda Hurricane 750 in college.

I liked my VTX, but I didn't ride it like a cruiser. I TRIED to ride it like a sport tourer. I went though a phase with chaps and sleeveless shirts, but I quickly wised up and always had a full-face helmet. I hung around the same places as some of the HD Dbags, but I knew I could out ride them, and I let them know it. **** those turds!

I had been riding work bikes for a while, including a Harley Dyna, an ST1300, and a little experience with the Beemers. I looked HARD at the ST, and I was considering the yet to arrive 2008 Concourse 1400. What sold me on the FJR? It was middle of the line in engine size and tank size. Magazines said it was fast, and when I found the 2007 I wanted, it had ABS. The ST1300 I almost bought also had ABS, but was priced around $1,000 higher than the non-ABS model.

I guess that worked out...

1995 Buell S2 Thunderbolt with Chase Harper saddlebags then a 1996 Buell S2T with factory hard bags. Still have the 95 I bought it new. Once I took possession of my FJR the S2T sat unused for a year so I sold it.

Suzuki Bandit 1200S before the FJR.

Started on a Yamaha Virago, then a real refined Honda Nighthawk 750 before the Bandit.

Loved them all.

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2000 Cagiva Gran Canyon (ADV multi strada like bike if you never heard of it). Loved that thing, wish I still had it.

1997 Honda Blackbird (carbureted CBR1100XX), the first of two (later bought a 2003 F.I. CBR1100XX). I was in the dealership in Carson City, NV to buy tires for the '97 when I saw my new 2005 FJR on the showroom floor. It was part of the second run of '05s where the dealership had had employees sign up for the PDP to get three for showroom inventory. I came back the next day to buy it. I no longer own either XX, but the FJR remains in my garage.

I had a Thundercat (YZF600R) before the FJR but I consider myself a dirt biker because when I get in trouble my instincts always take me back to my dirt bike background plus I spend probably more hours on my WR450F than I do on the FJR.

Started on a CBR600F4i, then to a CBR929RR. After that, all the guys I usually rode with only wanted to ride the same roads over and over again, so I began to look for a more suitable ride. My next one was a Suzuki SV1000S with Helibars, and soft bags. Sold it and bought my first FJR, a 2006. Had to sell it bout 3 years later due to having a child, and now just got my 2015.

Started with a Yamy 500 twin, then 750 triple Yamahas first shafty then XS1100 Special, 3 Venture Royals,('83 '86 and '93) BMW1200 LT, BMW 1150 GS, BMW 650F, 5 FJR's ('03, '06, '08, '11 and '13)

A 650-KLR, 650-Versys, 1200 VFR, Gen II FZ-1 and now one of my favorite BMW R1200RS and did have some bikes at the same time.

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My previous bike was an 83 gs 100e. As stated earlier in the thread, fast bike. I got my first fjr, An 03, in 05. Currently a 14a.

My riding has not changed much. I use the bike as transportation when the weather allows. Also go on recreational day rides with my wife, and at least 1 time a year we try to take a long weekend ride. Same as we did with the gs1100.

I learned on a Kawi Super Sherpa, graduated to a 93 Concours, decided I want fuel injection and ABS, and went to the FJR. I've had my 2004 since 2008 I think. I put myself in other, because I'm mostly touring/commuting. Not a racer type, and can't really like the sluggish handling of the cruisers.


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