What's in your hard bags !

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- First Aid kit assembled referring to a thread on here a while ago.

- Reading glasses!

- Air pressure gauge

- Both kinds of tire repair kits

- Air pump

- GPS wires

I always ride with bags. Figure they'll help save my legs in a fall and Maxine and I look more "staid" with them on.

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Guns and lots of bullets. You never know. If you have those, you can steal anything else you need :D

Right side, full lunchbox on the way to work, empty lunchbox on the way back along with stuff I stole from work. Left side, 18 pack (remove 3 and place on the lid, fold carton over and insert).

Always ride with the bags on. Right bag, cell phone, 9 led mini flashlight, can of plexus, bungee, spare face shield, air gauge, small tool kit, small first aid kit, multiple Christian biker tracts to hand out, waterless hand cleaner, spare meds, spare tactical knife, and cable lock (to lock up bike and my gear), summer and mid weather gloves. Left bag, multiple wrenches, siphon kit, (in case me or someone else runs out of gas), flares, (in case of accidents or if I get stranded and have to start a fire), tire repair kit w/CO2 cartridges, sweatshirt, extra glasses and pair of winter gloves. If going out of town pack gear that is rain proof. PM. <>< :D

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Left bag, first aid kit with blanket rubber gloves and shock kit. Tire repair kit. Tools, just the basic shit.

Right bag, empty.

Top box, tinted visor, plexus, a few soft rags for wiping, extra ear plugs, rain gloves, utility light.

Well, if I'm commuting to work I carry my purse and my work clothes. If we are out for a day ride I carry my purse, usually my daughter's purse (she has a ducati & no place to keep anything!), my husband's stuff (he has a Hayabusa & no room for anything), hats, rain gear if it looks threatening but no gun..not yet anyway.

Since my FJR's only a week old, I'm still carrying the bag owner's manual in the right. Left is for lunch. Rain gear et. al will be transferred from the old bike this weekend.


Fist Aid Kit, Smoked or Clear Face shield, Flat tire kit and CO2's, Spare jacket or Liner for Summer Jacket, Bottle of Water.

Right bag:

DC Air compressor

Tire repair kit

Inline tire pressure gauge.

Expandable Baton (monodnock)

polypro vest

Towel (you alway gotta know where your towel is)

Mini jug of engine oil

sub mini jug of shaft oil

sub sub mini jug of brake fluid

Left bag:

Whatever I need that day


gym clothes


"- One forty-five caliber automatic

- Two boxes of ammunition

- Four days' concentrated emergency rations

- One drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine,

vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills

- One miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible

- One hundred dollars in rubles

- One hundred dollars in gold

- Nine packs of chewing gum

- One issue of prophylactics

- Three lipsticks

- Three pair of nylon stockings.

Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff."


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