What's in your saddle bag?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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On afternoon jaunts in hot weather, I might carry a gallon of water. I hate loading the bike down with "stuff" I dont need. If its a full day or weekend ride, then I have a Givi E52 and tank bag to put items in that I have to have. (extra clothes, rain gear, clear visor, eye drops, ear plugs, printed directions, a map, etc)

I carry a 45 in the left case and a first aid kit in the right in case it's a bad shot.

Just serious I mean just kidding. Air pump, rain gear , extra gloves, tools that fit the last thing I worked on

or farkle I added. Credit card in case I forgot something. Is it Friday yet?

Damn just got sucked into an old post. Should have put my readers on before answering.

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