What's the oddest thing you've seen carried

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I have carried a sheet of glass (not in a box or package, I had to replace my bedroom window's glass), An empty keg (returning it) and once with a passenger we managed to carry 8 12packs on a bike with no luggage.

Puerto Iguazu, Argentina. An mother with toddler on gas tank, elementry school kid behind her, and teenage kid behind him. Two older children had book bags on them and the mother was holding onto groceries hanging off the handle bars.

I strapped the radiator from my 67 Buick to the back of my Honda CB 360 and rode it 5 miles through the slush to the radiator repair shop. The smart ass at the shop said he had heard about those new water buffaloes from Suzuki, but didn't know Honda had one...

The following year the GL 1000 was introduced.

a connally "hook" slalom water ski, cross-wise on the back of a Yamaha 650 Special II.

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wasn't it TC who strapped his clubs to his feejer :huh:

seems like he posted a piccie of that a while back

Here's a present for Thug !!!


saw a gut leaving Lowes with what looked like a 8-10' long section of PVC pipe somehow strapped to the right side of his rig (looked like an older 500-600 cc cruiser). I wanted so bad to get closer to see how in the heck he did it and then how far he could make it before laying it down but the wife was in a hurry.

From a distance he looked like a modern day jouseter, less the horse!

i've carried a pizza on the back of my '81 yamaha xs400. remember little caesars, they'd sell you "two pizzas for the price of one" and the box would be more like a rectangle? i'd strap that on the back of my 400.

i've had my golf clubs on my back on the fj12.

and see my avatar for the tympani.

wasn't it TC who strapped his clubs to his feejer :huh:

Not the oddest thing ever carried, but I bet those stiffs on their way to work get jealous when I pass them like they're parked in the above pictured configuration. "FORE!"

The FJR really expands the size of the "local courses" area. :lol:

"Anybody who thinks golf is for ******* has probably never hit one 300 down the middle."- me.

Funny golf-related story- Once, on Oprah, she was interviewing a couple of golf addicts. They had it bad. One of 'em even answered that he prefers golf to sex with his wife. When pressed, he said "Because it lasts a lot longer."
