Agreed. A more measured description is DisappointedI also agree because what really occurred was a fairly significant difference in opinion as to the bike's condition...which certainly is not unusual. I can't even express an opinion on what I think the answer should be since I have never seen the bike nor was I privy to any communication between the buyer and the seller regarding the condition. However, based on the information provided in this thread by both the buyer and seller I am having a hard time seeing the rationale for the term "Ripped Off" and think a more appropriate title would be "Very Disappointed".Agreed.A good, and fair response.
When I originally responded to this thread I was still stinging from a deal gone sour with my friend WheatonFJR where he was definitely misled and narrowly avoided getting cheated on a bike that was clearly not as represented. In hindsight I wish I had been a little more restrained in my initial post.
I will also say that I did not know who the seller was, I always thought of Pterodactyl as being a decent and stand up guy. I was shocked when I found out afterwards. I did not edit my post because if I already said it, there was no point in crawfishing. It was out there.
I would urge both parties to take a step back, try to come to a mutual agreement. I cannot speculate on the expectations or the intentions of either the buyer or the seller. I know we have two folks that have both previously appeared to be honorable and decent members of this forum and others. I would expect that two honest men could arrive at an honest and fair conclusion.
What Skyway did to 20 members of this forum some 10 years ago turned out to be a "rip off", even if he didn't originally intend it to be that way, especially after he failed to follow though on his promise to reimburse everyone after they shipped the already provided items back to him (at their expense). A disagreement about whether a bike is in excellent or average condition is just that...a disagreement...that hopefully can be resolved between the buyer and seller.