What's the wierdest/funniest accident you've been in or seen?

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As a 14 yr old in Clinton MD the thing I had going for me (besides break dancing but that's another story) was my 82 YZ 125 and brand new Bell Moto III helmet. To get through the neighborhood safely (without being arrested) we would hit third gear by the end of the driveway, hit neutral and coast down the steepest hill in the hood. The hill had a name, "Big Anna". A sharp right at the bottom, through a gap in the guard rail and a bunny hop over a log was all that was between me and a day in the big woods of PG county.

As I rounded the corner I saw Stacy, a cute girl from the 9th grade, I waved. Then without warning, a parked four door LTD with big chrome bumpers jumped into my path. I was now sailing aka superman, landing on my back on the hood and sliding to the street. My bike idling on its side behind the car. I laid waiting for assistance from Stacy. Then instead of "are you OK?" I heard laughter. Her entire family was on the front porch rolling.

I quickly picked my bike up with its newly "installed" dogleg clutch, and rode off into the woods taking a different way home. It took me two years to tell Stacy that was me. She still laughed and said her family would break into laughter at the dinner table for two weeks.

Buddy bought a used RM125 motocrosser. The thing was pretty much a basketcase. So we went to pick it up, through it in the back of the truck and proceeded to his place. Along the way we pass a local school with an empty parking lot. It was to much for him he had to stop and give it another try.

Unload the bike and he hops on and starts brapping around the parking lot. Now understand that the one edge of the parking lot was built on a steep grade, with all manner of large boulders forming an embankment with a drop of perhaps 40 feet. Not those nice roundish eroded boulders either. Boulders that were shattered from blasting. You can see where this is going to go...

Buddy comes around the corner of the school, had that bitch wound right out in top gear he did. He grabs a handful of front brake. Nothing, zero, zip, nada. He panics and nails the rear brake, only to have the brake stay.. uhm.. not stay.

Buddy is now doing about 60mph with no brakes. He attempts to turn in the parking lot buy manuevering between the truck and said embankment. He's making that low gutteral screaming noise guys make before they break something. He decides pasting into his own truck at 60mph is not on todays playlist. He doesn't quite make the turn. He hits the cement curb which *LAUNCHES* him about 20 feet higher than the surface of the parking lot. He so far above bottom of the embankment at this point, NORAD detects him on their radar. Back when I rode motocrossers, we used to call this a flying W. Your still on the bike, but no part of you is actually touching it. Your legs spread out in the manner of a upside down V. The bike, in the center, turning the V into a W.

To this day, with his arms flapping it looked like he was attempting to fly. I'm laughing as I type this..

He came down hard WAY down the embankment. He had somehow managed to clear about 98% of the embankment down to the relatively soft base. It was that last 2% that he didn't make that was the bitch. The bike pretty much on top of him at full throttle He's okay, except for being mildy tenderized and a pretty nasty burn on his shin from the RM doing a stationary burnout while it had him pinned to the matt.

After he assures me he's okay, I tell him, lets get the bike back in the truck RIGHT NOW, before the Adrenalin wears off. Hey, I'm not stupid.

We get the bike in the truck and he immediately starts puking. He says he's okay, but the puking is shock. I get him in the truck and drive his ass to the hospital.

Busted tibia.

We later learned that this motocrosser was possessed by all the demons of hell and that it would, without any warning attempt to kill the rider. Thats why he got it so cheap. He sold it to somebody else a year later after the emergency room would call him on Fridays to find out if they could expect him sometime over the weekend, and oh, could you bring us in 11 large coffee on your way here?

As a 14 yr old in Clinton MD the thing I had going for me (besides break dancing but that's another story) was my 82 YZ 125 and brand new Bell Moto III helmet. To get through the neighborhood safely (without being arrested) we would hit third gear by the end of the driveway, hit neutral and coast down the steepest hill in the hood. The hill had a name, "Big Anna". A sharp right at the bottom, through a gap in the guard rail and a bunny hop over a log was all that was between me and a day in the big woods of PG county.
As I rounded the corner I saw Stacy, a cute girl from the 9th grade, I waved. Then without warning, a parked four door LTD with big chrome bumpers jumped into my path. I was now sailing aka superman, landing on my back on the hood and sliding to the street. My bike idling on its side behind the car. I laid waiting for assistance from Stacy. Then instead of "are you OK?" I heard laughter. Her entire family was on the front porch rolling.

I quickly picked my bike up with its newly "installed" dogleg clutch, and rode off into the woods taking a different way home. It took me two years to tell Stacy that was me. She still laughed and said her family would break into laughter at the dinner table for two weeks.

Funny story.

But, according to the conventional wisdom, you should have been mackin' on

. ;)
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Good stories all, nice chuckle.

Mine was riding one afternoon in the desert near my house on my then new 1976 CR250R, my buddy

and I were riding cross country in the desert at the foot of some small mountains and after cresting a rise

I descended a the gentle but rocky downhill between two hills with a small wash at the bottom.

As I neared the bottom I noticed that the entry to the wash at the bottom of the hill was a bit washed out

and the last 4 feel were vertical. The wash was too wide to jump but the other side was too steep to try

and wheelie through, but I think to my self, "No problem, I'm at slow speed, I'll just stop." and begin apply

maximum breaking on the loose gravel and rock.

I almost stopped, but didn't.

In slo-mo I went over the edge hit the front wheel, then eveything teetered forward. I somehow ended up

face down in the wash, with the bike on my back wheels in the air and motor sputtering.

My buddy almost couldn't get the bike off my back because he was laughing so hard.

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