Wheelies Banned by Law

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Any Knob who thinks you are just as in control on one wheel as on two needs his licence taking off him.

In the UK it is considered as dangerous driving and will get you a ban depending on the circumstances. everyone does/has done wheelies deliberate or not, it does not mean that they are safe.

It surprises me that wheelies are not already illegal. I'm sure I'd get nailed for careless or even reckless driving if I got caught with the front wheel off the ground.

In CA, being seen by a LEO doing a wheelie will get you an unscheduled roadside stop.
It surprises me that wheelies are not already illegal. I'm sure I'd get nailed for careless or even reckless driving if I got caught with the front wheel off the ground.
In CA you will get a performance award addressing your ability to ride....er, uhm..."safely" on one wheel. IIRC, a Reckless Driving Award is 2 points, and should it be the drivers second offense the process gets rather interesting.

What kind of deductive insight is that :asshat2: rider using when speaking to a reporter about riding on one wheel? Oh sure, the front wheel will come down in a split second!

"Yep, Eye kin manoover mah mortarsickle jes' fyne on wun weel. Ah bin abul tuh dew this fer a loooong time. Yew shud foller me en ah kin show yew bedder thin ah kin 'splainit. Why ets jist as sayf tuh ryde thisaway. Et taiks uhwhyle tuh lernt howta dew them korners. Thems new gyus er thuh wuns thet er causin' alla thuh trubble."

The reporter must have been grinning inside while taking notes, and thinking, "What a knob!"

Yessiree, he's the one I want as a spokesman for the motorcycling community!

I'm thinking this law will pass in TN.

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Thought the law in Cali was: Any tire breaking traction (unless avoiding a hazard) was good for an "exhibition of speed" 2-point ticket (unless they smell booze, then it's upped to a wet reckless or DUI). Therefore, wheelies, stoppies, and burn-outs are already covered here?

Thought the law in Cali was: Any tire breaking traction (unless avoiding a hazard) was good for an "exhibition of speed" 2-point ticket (unless they smell booze, then it's upped to a wet reckless or DUI). Therefore, wheelies, stoppies, and burn-outs are already covered here?

Weird, why the frig did it double-post?

Talked with a VA cop about them. Federal reckless driving citation is automatic on federal property, if seen...... and I hear Federal Judges just adore people wasting their court time with driving infractions......

Why not just ban murdercycles period & get it over with....gees Louise lighten up people :wacko: ....life is a journey to be enjoyed.....not regulated....just be glad they are not taking aim @ you..... :coolsmiley: .....

Why not just ban murdercycles period & get it over with....gees Louise lighten up people :wacko: ....life is a journey to be enjoyed.....not regulated....just be glad they are not taking aim @ you..... :coolsmiley: .....

Sorry to disagree Mikey but out here there are clowns who thinks its absolutely darling and gleefully fun the ride the back wheel, at speed, on the highways and byways. While doing so on a deserted road may be one thing, this behavior in traffic and on well travelled city surface streets (Did you read the link about the accidents that have been caused in TN that have driven this response?) tends to alarm the voting public who call their elected officials who then proceed to have the gendarmes/revenue enhancement servants cause general discomfort to the entire motorcycle community.

Funny how the average cager/pedestrian can't tell the difference between a 600RR and an FJR. They see them as all the same and dangerous to their peace and safety when ridden in the above mentioned manner.

(snip)Funny how the average cager/pedestrian can't tell the difference between a 600RR and an FJR. They see them as all the same and dangerous to their peace and safety when ridden in the above mentioned manner.
+1 I had one of my friends mention that he saw the first sport bike of the season go through town Saturday. After discussing it a little more I found that it was me on my FJR. Only people who are very interested can tell the difference.

With the advent of my space, you tube, etc. , too many cyclists see this kind of irresponsible behavior and want to try it (and post it) themselves. Posting and viewing on line encourages this (since there's SOOOOOOOOO many people who can't think for themselves and only want to do what they see or hear on the magic little box!) and now we have laws being introduced to curb this behavior. It was only a matter of time.

I like doing wheelies, for me they are a risk worth taking once in a while...... My rule regarding recklessness, I try to put only myself at risk, always avoid public areas, stay clear of fellow riders,.... and have fun.

Laws like this are silly, they have enough now.

I passed the DMV Motorcycle road test on the back wheel only so I have the highly coveted "W" endorsement allowing me the freedom to wheelie at will.

...... My rule regarding recklessness, I try to put only myself at risk, always avoid public areas, stay clear of fellow riders,....
THAT is the point! And the point that is not understood by many others who exercise their right to wheelie right into a storefront or a van full of citizens on the way to a picnic.....thus the response by the legislature.

I've heard there are a couple of NorCal riders who will also attempt the same display of exhileration. Stupidity, as described inthe article that explains the reason the TN lawmakers are writing these rules, eventually costs all of us freedoms we cherish.

Edited to add: This short video.

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Don't know this to be a fact but hear that the ABS system will "turn you in" to your dealer if you're doing wheelies.

The rear tire spinning at a different (faster) rate that the front tire triggers some code in the computer so when a bike comes in for warranty work, they pick the code up in their computer.

Again - don't know if this is fact or not.

I just think that doing wheelies on public roads gives us all a bad rep... It's irresponsible.

Leave the X-Game stuff to the guys on TV or do it off road. (MHO)

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