Where are the Canucks?

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Calgary to Knoxville: about 3400 kms, give or take... :eh-smiley:

Calgary to Tremblant: about 3400 kms, give or take... :bike:

So... 3 days to Knoxville... 3 days of rally... 3 days back... :ermm:

And I'm not doing 3 Flags now ... :blushsmiley:

It probably won't be snowing... :cold:

**** Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? ****

**** Uh, I think so Brain, but how are we gonna teach a goat to dance with flippers on? ***

Lemme do some more thinking on this and get back to you.... :blinksmiley:


Take a year off, I highly recommend it for the soul. Sucks for your financial health tho, and going back BITES!

Well, being self-employed, I've more or less been on unintentional time off for the last few months - and the bills they are a piling up...

Good thing your main squeeze is a nurse. Now THERE's a lucrative profession :blink:
LOVE A NURSE! HUBBA, HUBBA, HUBBA! I know this is completely off topic, but I just love saying it: LOVE A NURSE!

As long as you mention it, what's the best way to love a nurse?
Wheatie: Kama Sutra position numbers 14-63 and 102 through 145 work best; I only use positions number 9 and 93 if I have doubled down on my heart medications; muy peligro with a red headed nurse, ese! jes' sayin'

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As long as you mention it, what's the best way to love a nurse?
Wheatie: Kama Sutra position numbers 14-63 and 102 through 145 work best; I only use positions number 9 and 93 if I have doubled down on my heart medications; muy peligro with a red headed nurse, ese! jes' sayin'
An old guy like you should refer to the negative numbered positions..

I'm jus sayin' :lol:


I think I am planning on going.... when is the cut off date?

Then I have to sneak up this idea on Pam.... I know she would enjoy it... but her boss thinks he needs the time off more than her.... my bike is getting tire of just sitting in the garage.
Gosh Tom, Yer bikes been sitting, what a week? Bet the rust is starting to trash that poor beast!

September is looking as though it may allow a day or two off.. but unlikely.. Plus there is that SWFog thing..

Any of ya northerners need a layover stop, ya gimme a shout K?


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I think I am planning on going.... when is the cut off date?

The registration site says Aug 6 is the deadline to register and still receive a t-shirt.

Quit thinkin' and come ride the best roads in North America!!


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I been cruising the players list for this shin dig and I am not seeing any Canucks attending so far.

Come on you eastern type northerners, get crashing this party!

barb, aka "goose"
I have a lot going on in September :blink:

....aaaaaaaaa like what, more fanny shots..... :D :p :p


Um...that, too. Maybeeeee...... ;)
Gotta love a nurse.... they KNOW you anatomy better than you do...... :rolleyes:

I think I am planning on going.... when is the cut off date?

Then I have to sneak up this idea on Pam.... I know she would enjoy it... but her boss thinks he needs the time off more than her.... my bike is getting tire of just sitting in the garage.

Just register already...yeesh

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Where are all the Canucks?
1) Playing hockey?

2) Watching hockey?

3) Wishing they were watching hockey?

4) Drinking beer?

5) Beer and hockey, eh?

6) Dodging mounties?

7) Puttin maple syrup on beavers? :blink:

8) Wondering what the loonies and toonies are worth South of the border?

9) Aboot to adjust the TV ariels in your igloos?

10) Shopping for [SIZE=14pt]toques?[/SIZE]
LOL........funny sh$t!!!

Canadians spell it............TUQUE

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What do you expect? You guys can't even decide which language to speak, never mind how to spell da words... :rolleyes:
"Touche", Fred! Oh wait a minute, I meant "right on", if I am not in Quebec. You are correct about those Canucks not being able to decide which language to speak.

At least here in Arizona, we certainly know which language to speak: Spanish! Thank Goodness it's Friday!!

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Where are all the Canucks?
1) Playing hockey?

2) Watching hockey?

3) Wishing they were watching hockey?

4) Drinking beer?

5) Beer and hockey, eh?

6) Dodging mounties?

7) Puttin maple syrup on beavers? :blink:

8) Wondering what the loonies and toonies are worth South of the border?

9) Aboot to adjust the TV ariels in your igloos?

10) Shopping for toques?
Outstanding list there Beamer Reamer, but as a Veteran of two fine CFR FJR Forum Events with our wonderful friends from The Great White North: You left out three items I've personally observed!

11) Going out for donuts, eh.

12) Attending a Rush concert, hoser.

13) Driving over to Costco for cheap beer, Beauty!
Very impressive, young feller!! We musta fed you some good poutine and beer at CFR.... you'll have to add some Tragically Hip to your listening list.

It appears that a couple of Canadians have registered! :yahoo:
i'll add my own :yahoo: to that.

Come on my Canadian friends! I'm half-way through my Canadian History book . . . i better not be reading it for nuthin'! :angry2:

Come play in your basement! :clapping:

Come on my Canadian friends! I'm half-way through my Canadian History book . . . i better not be reading it for nuthin'! :angry2:
Just be sure to read about the War of 1812. That's when you guys tried to invade Canada and we threw you back over the border in battle after battle! You'd better stay respectful or we might do it again.

Our armed forces are not to be trifled with.....all 60,000 of them. Oh, wait, it's summer vacation time and the boys are at the cottage drinkin' beer, so let's say 25,000. Oh, shit, half of our ships, aircarft and tanks are down waiting for spare parts (bummer because nobody makes parts anymore for WW II equipment). So effectively we have about 10,000. Damn, then we have to subtract the non-combatants at armed forces HQ in Ottawa.... so let's see....... OK we can field 500 guys.

But we're tough, pound for pound.

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Just be sure to read about the War of 1812. That's when you guys tried to invade Canada and we threw you back over the border in battle after battle! You'd better stay respectful or we might do it again.
Fifty-Four Forty or Fight! :assassin:

We're in need of some good beer, curling lanes, and a better supplier of back bacon....and those 5+ extra degrees are looking pretty good right now. C'mon...you secretly always wanted your own five digit numeric zipcode didn't ya? ;)

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