Where Are You Staying?

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Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Seacoast NH
Just cruising through the various FJR forums and, other than the Tally Ho, do not get much insight as to where people are staying as alternatives to the booked up Tally Ho. I found one person at Dock's and some one said the Highland but did not find that on the map. So I am interested in folks chiming in where they are going to be staying.

Maybe this is something that could be added to the Who and Where page? Meantime I am getting everything ready to ride on down so post your where abouts and maybe we can get an understanding where other centralized locations of FJRs will be.

If you have broadband and a recent computer, you might want to download GOOGLE EARTH. It doesn't show you all the hotels, but there are several in there. When you install it, you can click roads, hotels and dining, then search for Townsend, TN. You will get a relatively high res satellite image of EVERYWHERE (specifically Townsend) and you can SEE where the hotels are.

The Tally Ho is not listed (probably co$t$ them), but it is at the east end of the "strip",where the Carriage House restaurant is located. The map does show Docs, some cabins and a few other hotels.

With Google Earth, you can actually check out a sat image of all the roads we are going to ride. Thanks QuickSilver, for pointing me to that program. That thing is just the shiznits!

Some other hotels (btw, the contact info is also on the map when you use GOOGLE EARTH) on Google Earth:

Strawberry Patch

Best Western

Headrick's Hotel

Scenic Hotel

Family Inns of America

Dogwood Cabins

The best Townsend Area information can be found at:


There are more than 40 cabin rentals in the area (some with DOZENS of cabins) and 13 hotels listed for Townsend. You should be able to find some place to stay nearby.

This time I'm at the HO. Next time, I think I'll go for a cabin! Man, there are some beautiful places in that neck of the woods!

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Just cruising through the various FJR forums and, other than the Tally Ho, do not get much insight as to where people are staying as alternatives to the booked up Tally Ho. I found one person at Dock's and some one said the Highland but did not find that on the map. So I am interested in folks chiming in where they are going to be staying.

I'm at the Tally Ho, I don't see your name on the eom web site. Will be great to see another New Englander there that can pronounce Worcester!

I'll be pulling in Saturday so I hope to see you at the Tally Ho conference room 7pm.

Is he forkless or Farkles?

How do you pronounce Werster?

Ok, time to get off the box and go dodge the thunderstorms again....

I'm riding down from Delaware on Thursday, and staying Thurday, Friday, & Saturday nights, return home Sunday. Also looking for ride suggestions as I have never been in that neck of the woods (at least not on superslab).

When I tried to book the hotel I was told they were booked up Saturday (this was 3-4 weeks ago), so I called Dock's Motel. Lady that answered took three tries to get the dates right, then three or four more tries to get the CC number right.

My kinda place, I think she was seriously multi-tasking...


When I lived in Mill-FUD (Milford Mass) it was called Wus-Tah. You know a foreigner right away when they say war-ces-ter or wor-ces-ter

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I sent my info to smthng yesterday as I was not sure my schedule would allow me to escape so I should show up some time soon on the EOM web site. Still thinking of blasting straight down on Friday as it is only about 1000 miles but will see what options open up closer to the time. (ie Hurricanes, Rain, or Heat)

FRKLS is in regards to my last Sport Tourer, the Yamaha GTS that did not have a set of forks but rather the RADD swing arm front end. I had not thought of the consequences of Farkles in coming onto the FJR boards.

And thanks for the suggestion on the motels, I had looked at the map on the EOM site and have not had a chance to cruise some of the other sites or look very close at the Street Atlas software.

I always thought Worcester rhymed with goose-dirt.

Sorry, I forgot that the "R's" are "AH's" in those parts. More like WUAHSTAH? Thanks Boog.

Forkless, you going 1000K in a DAY!?! You da man! Hope you have enough enerygy left to have some fun. Then can make that big trek back home. Ouch!

I have a room at the Tally Ho that I will have to give up. My doctor told me I had to stop riding untill the treatments were complete. If anyone wants a non smoking room please let me know. I will be cancelling the resevation by the end of the week if no one wants it.


I am going stir crazy. I have a herniated disk and it will be the end of September before he will let me ride again.

The campgrounds all have little cabins as well, may go for one of htose... if htat bombs out, may camp in the Cades Cove Campground ( 20 min away).. or just sleep at home and drive up in the am ( I just live in knoxville) hhehehe ...


Sorry to hear you can't make it. If my memory is correct we stayed two rooms down from you last year (Wild Bill and myself)

I would be interested in getting your room if you must cancel. I was not sure I could make it this year - But now and can and the rooms are all gone.

You can contact me at rstam at comcast dot net.



I ask the guy at the Talley Ho what other Hotels he would recommend and he suggested the Highland Manor. Supposed to be just accros the street from the Talley Ho and family owned. He said it was a very nice hotel. HighlandManor.com 800-213-9462 8314 Hwy 73 Townsend, Tn 37882. So I booked a room with a view.

Mark :cownoy:
