Where to buy Givi stuff

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Portland, OR
I went to Twisted Throttle to buy a V46 set up and shipping was $70!

Anyone know a Givi retailer that has cheaper shipping AND has the color matched lid for the V46 for a 2006 FJR?

I went to Twisted Throttle to buy a V46 set up and shipping was $70!
Anyone know a Givi retailer that has cheaper shipping AND has the color matched lid for the V46 for a 2006 FJR?
Road Rider in San Jose is an Authorised Givi dealer. If they dont have the parts in stock, they'll bring em in. Give em a call Clicky I don't know if University Motors deals in givi or not, but there suppose to be real competitive on prices.

I just went to Twisted Throttle & placed an order for a Givi V46 topcase (cost 230.67) and Givi mounting rack (cost 127.80). Shipping to Portland OR zip code 97201 is 40.82 via UPS Ground. So your statement that they charge $70 to ship a V46 topcase setup is bullshit.

I don't work for Twisted Throttle or have any relationship with them other than being a repeat customer. I have purchased a 52 Maxia topcase, mounting rack, and other Givi accessories. Their prices are good. Their shipping rates are as fair or better than other internet retailers. They pack and ship it fast. Last item I ordered was at my door three days after I placed the order. They provide excellent customer service and accept returns of even opened merchandise.

You need to get your facts straight before you go online and flame a legitimate internet retailer that provides good service to the sport touring community.

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I just went to Twisted Throttle & placed an order for a Givi V46 topcase (cost 230.67) and Givi mounting rack (cost 127.80). Shipping to Portland OR zip code 97201 is 40.82 via UPS Ground. So your statement that they charge $70 to ship a V46 topcase setup is bullshit.
I don't work for Twisted Throttle or have any relationship with them other than being a repeat customer. I have purchased a 52 Maxia topcase, mounting rack, and other Givi accessories. Their prices are good. Their shipping rates are as fair or better than other internet retailers. They pack and ship it fast. Last item I ordered was at my door three days after I placed the order. They provide excellent customer service and accept returns of even opened merchandise.

You need to get your facts straight before you go online and flame a legitimate internet retailer that provides good service to the sport touring community.
Really? You know enough about me to already say I'm bullshit? That's pretty bold for a person who doesn't have all the facts yet!

Perhaps if you added a few other items that I had in my shopping cart, you would have gotten the same shipping cost I got. But then, with your knowledge of all things bullshit, you'd know that already!

But thank you for coming out of your posting lull to tell me I'm bullshit! It's appreciated!

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I bought my C46 & rack from rlmotorcycles 2 years ago, at the time they had the best price with shipping. Had a problem with one of the parts I ordered & they took care of me pronto with no argument or problems. Small company, nice folks to do business with.

Perhaps if you added a few other items that I had in my shopping cart, you would have gotten the same shipping cost I got. But then, with your knowledge of all things bullshit, you'd know that already!
But thank you for coming out of your posting lull to tell me I'm bullshit! It's appreciated!
First, I didn't tell you that you're bullshit. I said your information about shipping was bullshit, i.e., false and misleading. Perhaps if you had identified the "few other items" in your shopping cart when you made the statement that TT charged $70 for shipping a V46 setup, your post wouldn't be misleading. Perhaps if you googled the merchandise you wanted and compared the cost at TT and several other merchants you would have learned that TT's shipping charges were in the ball park with other internet retailers for the V46 topbox, mounting rack and the "few other items" you wanted to buy. Perhaps not. Perhaps you should do your research first before you start a thread the thread slamming a legitimate internet business site.

If you did the research and stated correctly that TT charged more for shipping the merchandise in question that certain other merchants, and provided the information to back up the bitch, then you have a fair point. All you have now is a misleading statement based on incomplete information.

And, no, I did not come out of a "posting lull" to respond to your post. I think it's a waste of time to post unless I have something useful to add to the thread, or I need information that I can't find after making at least a half-assed effort at searching for it, or I get tired of listening to people post who don't make any effort to get their information straight before they post. I don't give a damn how many posts I have next to my name, or how many posts you have. It doesn't make you or me any smarter. It's the substance that counts, and the lack of it in your post that offends me.

California Sport Touring...

Just over two years ago I purchased all of this:

==================================================================Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 10350 Givi C46B572 Painted Lid Panel for V46 Case - Galaxy Blue/`05 Yamaha FJR1300 $52.28 Ship Date: 3/14/2005

Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 10152 Givi SR346 Topcase Mounting Kit - Yamaha FJR1300 $112.92 Ship Date: 3/14/2005

Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 10254 Givi V46N Monokey Case - Matt Black $201.84 Ship Date: 3/14/2005

Ordered: 1 Shipped: 1 10262 Givi E107 Top Case Rack for V46 $56.24 Ship Date: 3/14/2005

And I paid THIS: (Check out the shipping cost!!)

Product Total: $423.28Sales Tax: $34.92

Shipping: $17.78

Discount: $0.00

Surcharge: $0.00

Grand Total: $475.98

BalanceDue: $0.00
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If you did the research and stated correctly that TT charged more for shipping the merchandise in question that certain other merchants, and provided the information to back up the bitch, then you have a fair point.
I think my "fair point" has now been made by the productive posts by these helpful members.
Thanks for those sites GunMD, TWN and PA!

I get tired of listening to people post who don't make any effort to get their information straight before they post.
My information was/is straight, you just assumed you had all the information and that assumption, combined with your apparent arrogance, made your attempted challenge fail. In addition, regardless of whether or not the shipping was $67 dollars (which it was- ok, so sue me, I rounded up), the above members helped direct me to the information I was seeking. You on the other hand violated one of your own cardinal rules of posting, and offered nothing of value.

And, no, I did not come out of a "posting lull" to respond to your post.
Well, in that case, is there anything I can do to get you to resume your posting lull?
Ponyfool, please let us know what you come up with. As I stated my numbers are over 2 years old and I'm interested to see what you can come up with now.

Also, my good friend "Lil' Dawn" who owns Desert Cycle Works in 29 Palms, CA is a Givi dealer. He doesn't really move all that much Givi product but might be able to hook you up with a decent deal (I don't really know, you'd have to ask him). He doesn't do online sales but you could call him at 760-361-3226. His web site is HERE. (If you're in a hurry this may not work for you...he's closed until Monday. Tell him that Scott sent you if you call him.

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I have been thinking about buying a Givi E52N Maxia, mount, backrest ect.

The best price I have found is here.


It says on the site "only $9.95 for shipping per order" If that is true that is a good deal in today's world of getting raped on shipping and handling fees.

If I do decide to get it I will let you know how the process went, however I am still undecided if I want to spend nearly $500 for something I am not sure I really need.

E52, E95s backrest, E97 brake lights, and the mount rack, 9.95 shipping, total 568.67. RL Motorcycles. Backrest and brake light added about 112 to the price.

They're in south GA, I'm north FL, it was here the next day. Probably 5 days to OR, but still 9.95.

Except the mounting rack, which is being drop shipped form Givi USA, nobody knows when! Box looks real nice on the couch!

Oh, yeah, they sent me a ball cap, too! :cap:

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I got mine about 2 years ago, but I shopped the net pretty well and found these guys.


Well worth a shot to price them out before ordering. If I recall, they didn't charge salestax to US buyers and shipped to the lower 48 for free. Of course, it's been 2 years or so, so check it out.

EDIT- Yup, just checked, no tax and free shipping to the US. Must have part numbers ready when you call. And you must pick up the phone and call for a price....

Good luck.

I found a local dealer that says he'll beat any internet price. I gave him my order on Monday, I'll let you know what the total is after he calls me back.
