Where'd the WV Ramble go?

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Apparently, we have a board lurker by the name of Julie that read this thread this morning. I was asked to post this on her behalf:

Hi everybody, thanks for letting a rogue VFR slip in amongst the mighty FJRs (OK, I’m sucking up for the next Ramble). I had a GREAT time riding with you all and truly enjoyed your company.

Mike, thanks for organizing and finding some great roads!

Geezer, I think it’s awesome that you are sharing motorcycling with your daughter. I had to literally hide my first 2 bikes from MY father!

Steve, I hope your repair $$ is minimal. You definitely need to come back and slay Smoke Hole Road on YOUR terms.

I’m still trying to figure out how all of you hustle those big bikes through the twisties at warp speed. I definitely learned from watching you all this week. Fortunately, my food poisoning let up mid-morning and allowed me to ride home OK. Maybe you will see me on an FJR one day if I can stick to my weight training regimen :)



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To Heidi & Julie,

It was nice to meet you both. I enjoyed the riding comeraderie. I didn't realize that Julie got food poisoning...sorry to hear about that. It wasn't all that good food at Panera was it?

Glad you both made it home okay. I hope to get "out east" again sometime to ride WV and maybe battlefields in VA. Maybe we will cross paths again?

Hope somebody from the area OH, PA, WV, VA can step up to organize another WV Ramble! :clapping: :clapping: That was fun! :D

I think Mike has given plenty of hints that he has retired from that function. He's organized plenty of them and deserves a good long break from that.

He has taken me on rides in the Fall '04, Spring & Fall '05 and now June '06. I have been told that he has organized others before that also. Thanks Mike!!

This thread could be worthless without pics!


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HOLD THE PHONES GUYS! I ain’t taken the squid award away from Wheaton (Mark), you know with him being from the flatlands and all. ;) It just isn’t right. LOL.

First off, I want to thank Yamaholic (Mike) for organizing the event and showing us all the kick ass roads and having the opportunity to meet all the wonderful people.

My very special thanks goes from the heart to Zorkler (Mike) & Powerman (Mike, who should actually be called the Cigarman :smokin: lol, Christ…the man carries a humidor with him on the FJR lol ), these two gentlemen nursed me “home” from my little get-off on Smoke Hole Road. I can’t say enough about these guys…true gentlemen that would give their shirts off their own back. Thanks guys and sorry you had to put up with my somewhat melancholy mood after the accident sank-in. Friday, I go in for the estimate. With all the scratches…it will be $expensive no doubt. It is only material and I am glad to be okay with only a few very minor scrapes and bruises.

What really happened on Smoke Hole Road? Okay, I will fess up. Tired…yes, not paying attention…guilty as charged. What happened that should NOT have? After falling into a leisure mode riding with the group, I realized that I forgot to tuck in my boot (remembering that I had them caught under the foot peg the day before) so, I let off the counter-steer (to try to re-adjust my footing position...bad idea) on the downhill switchback (turn) and the almighty FJR stood up and headed for the gravel edge after I almost executed the turn. I tried to correct with a quick counter-steer again and realized it was too late and if forced would have put my head directly into contact with the road or worse, possibly go into a high-side if I forced the bike too hard. So, I went into the innate self preserve mode and headed for the 2 foot ditch and low-sided. Lesson learned: Don’t get caught with your pants down on group rides and don’t get too relaxed. Tuck your feet in and don’t LET OFF a counter-steer on a switchback even if you are afraid of taking your toes off! LOL.

Also, I learned there are too many people named Mike in this world. LOL. ;)

Thanks to all for your empathy. Julie, glad you are feeling better! Mark, thanks for going back and looking after the “herd“.

-Steve :D

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I guess I'm a little slow? I was looking in the southeast area. LOL

Met a great bunch of people, they didn't even trash me too bad.

Nursing a sinus infection I headed out for some twisties before showing up.

Pulled into the motel parking lot and fell over. Hi, I'm Mike.

Nice entrance in front of the the FJR crowd on the new 06! LOL

Steve, glad you got home alright. We were happy to help you out after the little excursion.

On Sunday I explored some in Maryland on the way back to Fredericksburg.

Helped a Ducati 996 that got off after too much throttle on the freshly painted

double yellow lines. Burnt my arm on the pipe lifting it off of him.

My mellon was a little baked from the heat, even with drinking mass quantities of

water. I rested on the side of rte. 340, and poured water over my head. I need to

get some vented pants for summer. Slept until 11:30 on Monday.

Geezer, I think it’s awesome that you are sharing motorcycling with your daughter. I had to literally hide my first 2 bikes from MY father!
Julie, thanks for your comment. I too was forbidden to buy a bike when I was living at home under the threat of being thrown out of the house. I bought one anyway and didn't get thrown out. :lol: The next year both of my brothers also got bikes.

And, the best thing I can thing of is doing something I enjoy and sharing the experience with my one of my kids. Just perfect.


Hola! A few pikkies fr/ the Ramble:

#1 - the gang leaves the hotel for the hills:


#2 - First stop of the day... The gang looks like they're all present!


#3 - This pic is on CR1??? Is that right Mike? The cool goat path!


#4 - While we were all still together... group on the goat path


#5 - A pic of Seneca Rock


#6 - The group minus 3 on Smoke Hole Road taking a breather & waiting f/ the others. Mark rode back to look but no peeps.


#7 - Lunch Stop


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I dropped and broke my digi camera 2nd day of the trip (D'oh!). As soon as BugR and Acadian Rider send me a CD of their trip photos, I will post a few up.

I dropped and broke my digi camera 2nd day of the trip (D'oh!). As soon as BugR and Acadian Rider send me a CD of their trip photos, I will post a few up.

Still working on my trip report and uploading pics

Here's a link to the album, uploaded so far are the trip down and some of the ST.N meet.

I'll have the upload done tonight.

Chris's Pics

**Edit Not sure if you can access the album**

I'll have the complete trip report done by the weekend, I had better as I leave for the WFO soon.


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