Nice bike, Steve. I almost bought a wing instead of the FJR, but decided to go a little more sporty. Mrs. Twisty wanted the wing...I think she still does. Maybe someday.
You and your wife would love it with all the 2up riding you do. I sold my '03 wing and got a ST1300 with top box/backrest. My wife rode on it once. I sold that and got the '05 Goldwing and she was happy to ride with me again. Sold that for FJR and again she rode with me once. I've had the "08 wing a week and she's already called her parents and asked if they would watch the kids next weekend so we could go for a ride!
I know I'll miss the FJR, I miss all the bikes I've sold but with my back/hip I'm just thankful to be able to ride the wing and really enjoy all it has to offer.
Lets go for a ride soon,