360 baby! Check out the graphics and play of Gears of War. We'll see if PS3's Resistance is up to the challenge.
To me the PS3 is 25% over-priced and don't even start with game prices. Sony doesn't get it, this coming from a PS 1 & 2 owner (and Sega Genesis, N64, ...) . Enthusiasts, maybe even me, will buy it but not so many casual gamers. The Wii is going to take over the low end something fierce. It will be analogous to how the DS Lite is kicking PSP @ss in handheld sales.
Blu-Ray as something special? Think again. The format wars are not over (HD-DVD is now a $200 add-on for the 360). A combined format drive is due out soon and by the time PS3 shipments catch up to demand Blu-Ray/HD-DVD player pricing should be hitting its stride.
I want progress in gaming systems but the PS3 is getting too close to real PC territory in price.
Okay, killer games may get me to buy but I haven't seen any launch titles that make me salivate yet. I bought my PS2 originally for Gran Turismo but GT-HD isn't reported as enough of an advance to spend $$.