White Pine Fever

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Jeeze, check out the three homo's on the left.... with hands on each other's shoulders, like it was.... natural.

Art looks over his bike after his run:


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If there were two hands on my shoulder instead of just one....I definitely wouldn't have my hands in my pockets anymore. :blink:

We are a jovile looking bunch....almost docile. You wouldn't expect that we had ripped off about 14K miles between us in the preceding 24 hours.

[foreshadowing for the masses]I thought there was only cure for split ends.[/foreshadowing for the masses]

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l-r: 2nd Place Finisher and former IBR Winner Gary Eagan, Skyway, Warchild, chickey191, Art Montoya, all looking over beeroux's handiwork on his screen prop:


Liitle tired after your 2K-Day run, George? :lol:


You though we were kidding about Nevada'a kamakazi jackrabbits? Nope.... here's Tobie Stevens checking in with the GateKeepers, HMarc Lewwis and chickey191, carry some breakfast makings on the back of his Pelican case.

Rabbit omlet, anyone? :D


Fo' shizzle!


"Holy crap, look at this GPS display.... sunspots musta have caused these unusually high readings.... :lol:


SkooterG pulls up from his world-record ride....


Nobody can believe SkooterG's GPS readout..... obviously, a massive solar storm affect GPS sattelites the previous evening....



When riding at night, I keep the wind screen up to reduce the amount of bugs hitting my face shield. I notice that quite a few LD riders have tinted screens. Don't these reduce your vision of the road, especially at night? I know you guys do things more for function than for appearance, so why the tinted screens?

Celebration 40's for the 2K-Day-ers.....


I know you guys do things more for function than for appearance, so why the tinted screens?
Most of use do NOT look through the windscrren, day or night, so it matters not whether it's tinted or clear (or in beeroux's case, opaque.....) :lol:

First Place - SkooterG, just a wee bit tired:


Most unfortunately, Doug Banfelder was the only time-barred rider. His FJR had over 100,000 miles one it before he even started his ride:


Congratulating SkooterG's world-record ride at the Awards banquet:


I thought I read between the lines that Greg got a world record, but it wasn't mentioned until now...holy ^%&$

Yamaha should sponsor you guys!

When riding at night, I keep the wind screen up to reduce the amount of bugs hitting my face shield. I notice that quite a few LD riders have tinted screens. Don't these reduce your vision of the road, especially at night? I know you guys do things more for function than for appearance, so why the tinted screens?
My windshield may look black, but it's actually a Joo Janta 2006 Peril Sensitive Chromatic Winshield. Unfortunately, it seemed to turn black about 6 miles after I started and wouldn't end up turning clear again until later that afternoon while I was sleeping.

However, I felt soothed the whole time.

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I thought I read between the lines that Greg got a world record, but it wasn't mentioned until now...holy ^%&$
Yamaha should sponsor you guys!
Truthfully, we're sorta pushing things just sharing what we have with y'all

For obvious reasons, we wish to avoid any overly public limelight... know what I mean? ;)

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I thought I read between the lines that Greg got a world record, but it wasn't mentioned until now...holy ^%&$

Yamaha should sponsor you guys!
Truthfully, we're sorta pushing things just sharing what we have with y'all

For obvious reasons, we wish to avoid any overly public limelight... know what I mean? ;)

Yeah, I know. A CHP officer was kind to me and let me choose my poison: Crossing the double yellow, or 33 over the limit.

Man...lucky I was only doing 88!

Anyway, he said he could have taken me to jail for the double infraction at 33 over. He said I was lucky, but luckier to be alive...then I thought of White Pines and smiled a little.

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A CHP officer was kind to me and let me choose my poison: Crossing the double yellow, or 33 over the limit.
Man...lucky I was only doing 88!

Anyway, he said he could have taken me to jail for the double infraction at 33 over. He said I was lucky, but luckier to be alive...then I thought of White Pines and smiled a little.
I would **** to see that little ass-kissing session on video. Ya know, just to get some pointers... How'd he get ya?

yea I was a bit pooped. Fighting the wind for 1300 with my fuhked wind shield was tiring and LOUD. I've never felt like drinking a 40 after a ride before.<G>

I remember pulling into the gas station around 0530 and getting the 40. Then I thought I'd get a second one, as I was sure SOMEBODY would appreciate it.

Skotter rolls in and I see his GPS. OH MAN this dude gets first offer on my second 40. Through his shivering stuttering I heard a YES.

Thats a classic shot of us with the Ole' E. I'll treasure that **** fa sho.

WPF was such a magical time. Thanks Warchild for the score of a lifetime.


Nice stats?

1:44 OFF THE GAW DAMMED BIKE? Oh yea were breaking all kinds of records here. <moan>

BTW, the pic Warchild mentions I might be tired? Notice the big white spot-O-Splooge between the PHID and the windshield mount. The same white stuff can be seen going up my left arm. Also please notice the smallish black scuff on my left shoulder.

Thats all after the shield failure from ONE owl at COUGH COUGH COUGH speed. Felt like being punched by Mike Tyson.

There were about 7 times I almost called this ride quits.

1. the first face shield bird-strike around 175 miles at ( cough cough cough ) speed that covered my helmet in blood and where I thought I had whiplash. My neck was stiff the rest of the ride. Had to stop ASAP and clean the helmet.

2. Repeat of #1

3. Windshield failure. "new" shield laying flat on tank bag at ride speed. 5 stops total to fix the thing and make tolerable. Brutal wind noise.

4. Repeat of #1 ( arghhhhhhh!)

5. ******* owl. Ow. Owie. Owwwwww, I want my mommy.

6. Jackrabbit runs out in front of wheel and JUST misses, saving his life. Then he meets the tip of my left boot. Losing his life. I feel like I've kicked a curb at mach speed. I'm convinced for a half hour that I've broken every toe in my foot. I learn later this is a common LD occurance.

7. Yet another owl, and this one off the helmet. Stiff neck already stiff, so it's not THAT demoralizing.

As I've said already, this ride was the most physically demanding ride I've ever done. The R1 SS1K was tough on the ass and limbs, but this WPF ride was tough on the soul. There's only so many wildlife refuge's of birds you can whack before your body is screaming to quit. <G>

Just call me the Avion Terminator. <G>

Good times, great friends, awesome memories.

**** the wildlife.


Damnation George! You gotta learn how to duck!!

Only two bird strikes for me. Can't tell you how many times I ducked behind the screen, lowering my helmet so I couldn't even see down the road, to avoid birds, and a few owls.

Knew I didn't want to hit those owls. They looked biiiiiiiiig. And they were sloooooow.


Only two bird strikes for me. Can't tell you how many times I ducked behind the screen, lowering my helmet so I couldn't even see down the road, to avoid birds, and a few owls.
Knew I didn't want to hit those owls. They looked biiiiiiiiig. And they were sloooooow.
What is up with the owls? You guys painting mice and rabbits on your helmets or something???

Knew I didn't want to hit those owls. They looked biiiiiiiiig. And they were sloooooow.
Truthfully, hitting an owl isn't as bad as you might think... because, truly, the owl may look big, but it is 60% feathers. Seriously. You might see his wingspan of 2 or three feet, but the body is slightly bigger than a kitten.

Mind you, it's like an EXPLOSION of feathers when you hit one, no question there, but the actual body mass is, thankfully enough, quite small indeed.
